path: root/chickadee/graphics/texture.scm
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1 files changed, 547 insertions, 566 deletions
diff --git a/chickadee/graphics/texture.scm b/chickadee/graphics/texture.scm
index 952cfe0..9d24bf3 100644
--- a/chickadee/graphics/texture.scm
+++ b/chickadee/graphics/texture.scm
@@ -23,411 +23,191 @@
#:use-module (srfi srfi-9 gnu)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-11)
#:use-module (system foreign)
- #:use-module (gl)
- #:use-module ((gl enums) #:prefix gl:)
#:use-module (chickadee math rect)
#:use-module (chickadee graphics color)
- #:use-module (chickadee graphics engine)
- #:use-module (chickadee graphics gl)
+ #:use-module ((chickadee graphics backend) #:prefix gpu:)
#:use-module (chickadee graphics pixbuf)
#:use-module (chickadee image)
#:use-module (chickadee utils)
#:export (make-texture
- make-texture-region
- make-cube-map
- pixbuf->texture
- load-image
- load-cube-map
- texture-copy-pixbuf!
- texture->pixbuf
- write-texture
+ destroy-texture
- texture-region?
- cube-map?
- texture-null?
- texture-type
- texture-parent
- texture-min-filter
- texture-mag-filter
- texture-wrap-s
- texture-wrap-t
- texture-x
- texture-y
+ texture-destroyed?
+ texture-1d?
+ texture-2d?
+ texture-3d?
+ texture-destroyed?
+ texture-name
- texture-gl-rect
- texture-gl-tex-rect
- null-texture
+ texture-depth
+ texture-mip-levels
+ texture-samples
+ texture-dimension
+ texture-format
+ texture-view
- g:texture-0
- g:texture-1
- g:texture-2
- g:texture-3
- g:texture-4
- g:texture-5
- current-texture-0
- current-texture-1
- current-texture-2
- current-texture-3
- current-texture-4
- current-texture-5
- texture-atlas
- list->texture-atlas
- split-texture
- texture-tileset-dimensions
- texture-atlas?
- texture-atlas-size
- texture-atlas-texture
- texture-atlas-ref
- load-tileset))
+ pixbuf->texture
+ load-image
+ make-texture-view
+ destroy-texture-view
+ texture-view?
+ texture-view-1d?
+ texture-view-2d?
+ texture-view-2d-array?
+ texture-view-3d?
+ texture-view-cube?
+ texture-view-cube-array?
+ texture-view-destroyed?
+ texture-view-texture
+ texture-view-name
+ texture-view-format
+ texture-view-dimension
+ texture-view-aspect
+ texture-view-base-mip-level
+ texture-view-mip-levels
+ texture-view-base-layer
+ texture-view-layers
+ texture-view-width
+ texture-view-height
+ texture-view-depth
+ make-sampler
+ destroy-sampler
+ sampler?
+ sampler-destroyed?
+ sampler-name
+ sampler-address-mode-u
+ sampler-address-mode-v
+ sampler-address-mode-w
+ sampler-mag-filter
+ sampler-min-filter
+ sampler-mipmap-filter))
;;; Textures
-;; The <texture> object is a simple wrapper around an OpenGL texture
-;; id.
(define-record-type <texture>
- (%make-texture id type parent min-filter mag-filter wrap-s wrap-t
- x y width height gl-rect gl-tex-rect)
+ (%make-texture gpu handle name destroyed? width height depth mip-levels
+ samples dimension format)
- (id texture-id)
- (type texture-type)
- (parent texture-parent)
- (min-filter texture-min-filter)
- (mag-filter texture-mag-filter)
- (wrap-s texture-wrap-s)
- (wrap-t texture-wrap-t)
- (x texture-x)
- (y texture-y)
+ (gpu texture-gpu)
+ (handle texture-handle)
+ (name texture-name)
+ (destroyed? texture-destroyed? set-texture-destroyed!)
(width texture-width)
(height texture-height)
- (gl-rect texture-gl-rect)
- (gl-tex-rect texture-gl-tex-rect))
-(set-record-type-printer! <texture>
- (lambda (texture port)
- (format port
- "#<texture id: ~d region?: ~a x: ~d y: ~d width: ~d height: ~d min-filter: ~a mag-filter: ~a wrap-s: ~a wrap-t: ~a>"
- (texture-id texture)
- (texture-region? texture)
- (texture-x texture)
- (texture-y texture)
- (texture-width texture)
- (texture-height texture)
- (texture-min-filter texture)
- (texture-mag-filter texture)
- (texture-wrap-s texture)
- (texture-wrap-t texture))))
-(define null-texture
- (%make-texture 0 '2d #f 'linear 'linear 'repeat 'repeat 0 0 0 0
- (make-rect 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0) (make-rect 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0)))
-(define (texture-null? texture)
- "Return #t if TEXTURE is the null texture."
- (eq? texture null-texture))
-(define (texture-region? texture)
- (texture? (texture-parent texture)))
-(define (cube-map? texture)
- (and (texture? texture) (eq? (texture-type texture) 'cube-map)))
-(define (free-texture texture)
- (gl-delete-texture (texture-id texture)))
-(define (gl-texture-target type)
- (case type
- ((2d)
- (texture-target texture-2d))
- ((cube-map)
- (version-1-3 texture-cube-map))))
-(define (make-bind-texture n)
- (lambda (texture)
- (let ((texture-unit (+ (version-1-3 texture0) n)))
- (set-gl-active-texture texture-unit)
- (gl-bind-texture (gl-texture-target (texture-type texture))
- (texture-id texture)))))
-(define-graphics-finalizer texture-finalizer
- #:predicate texture?
- #:free free-texture)
-(define-graphics-state g:texture-0
- current-texture-0
- #:default null-texture
- #:bind (make-bind-texture 0))
-(define-graphics-state g:texture-1
- current-texture-1
- #:default null-texture
- #:bind (make-bind-texture 1))
-(define-graphics-state g:texture-2
- current-texture-2
- #:default null-texture
- #:bind (make-bind-texture 2))
-(define-graphics-state g:texture-3
- current-texture-3
- #:default null-texture
- #:bind (make-bind-texture 3))
-(define-graphics-state g:texture-4
- current-texture-4
- #:default null-texture
- #:bind (make-bind-texture 4))
-(define-graphics-state g:texture-5
- current-texture-5
- #:default null-texture
- #:bind (make-bind-texture 5))
-(define (gl-wrap-mode mode)
- (case mode
- ((repeat)
- (texture-wrap-mode repeat))
- ('mirrored-repeat (version-1-4 mirrored-repeat))
- ((clamp)
- (texture-wrap-mode clamp))
- ((clamp-to-border)
- (texture-wrap-mode clamp-to-border-sgis))
- ((clamp-to-edge)
- (texture-wrap-mode clamp-to-edge-sgis))))
-(define (gl-min-filter min-filter)
- (case min-filter
- ((nearest)
- (gl:texture-min-filter nearest))
- ((linear)
- (gl:texture-min-filter linear))
- ((nearest-mipmap-nearest)
- (gl:texture-min-filter nearest-mipmap-nearest))
- ((linear-mipmap-nearest)
- (gl:texture-min-filter linear-mipmap-nearest))
- ((nearest-mipmap-linear)
- (gl:texture-min-filter nearest-mipmap-linear))
- ((linear-mipmap-linear)
- (gl:texture-min-filter linear-mipmap-linear))))
-(define (gl-mag-filter mag-filter)
- (case mag-filter
- ((nearest)
- (gl:texture-mag-filter nearest))
- ((linear)
- (gl:texture-mag-filter linear))))
-(define (gl-pixel-format format)
- (case format
- ((rgba)
- (pixel-format rgba))))
-(define* (make-texture width height #:key
- pixels flip?
- (min-filter 'nearest)
- (mag-filter 'nearest)
- (wrap-s 'repeat)
- (wrap-t 'repeat)
- (format 'rgba))
- "Return a new GPU texture of WIDTH x HEIGHT pixels in size. PIXELS
-may be a bytevector of WIDTH x HEIGHT pixels in 32-bit RGBA format, in
-which case the texture will contain a copy of that data. If PIXELS is
-not provided, the texture data will not be initialized. If FLIP? is
-#t then the texture coordinates will be flipped vertically. The
-generated texture uses MIN-FILTER for downscaling and MAG-FILTER for
-upscaling. WRAP-S and WRAP-T are symbols that control how texture
-access is handled for texture coordinates outside the [0, 1] range.
-Allowed symbols are: repeat (the default), mirrored-repeat, clamp,
-clamp-to-border, clamp-to-edge. FORMAT specifies the pixel format.
-Currently only 32-bit RGBA format is supported."
- (assert-current-graphics-engine)
- (let ((texture (%make-texture (gl-generate-texture) '2d #f
- min-filter mag-filter wrap-s wrap-t
- 0 0 width height
- (make-rect 0.0 0.0 width height)
- (if flip?
- (make-rect 0.0 1.0 1.0 -1.0)
- (make-rect 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0)))))
- (graphics-engine-guard! texture)
- (with-graphics-state! ((g:texture-0 texture))
- ;; Ensure that we are using texture unit 0 because
- ;; with-graphics-state! doesn't guarantee it.
- (set-gl-active-texture (version-1-3 texture0))
- (gl-texture-parameter (texture-target texture-2d)
- (texture-parameter-name texture-min-filter)
- (gl-min-filter min-filter))
- (gl-texture-parameter (texture-target texture-2d)
- (texture-parameter-name texture-mag-filter)
- (gl-mag-filter mag-filter))
- (gl-texture-parameter (texture-target texture-2d)
- (texture-parameter-name texture-wrap-s)
- (gl-wrap-mode wrap-s))
- (gl-texture-parameter (texture-target texture-2d)
- (texture-parameter-name texture-wrap-t)
- (gl-wrap-mode wrap-t))
- (gl-texture-image-2d (texture-target texture-2d)
- 0 (pixel-format rgba) width height 0
- (gl-pixel-format format)
- (color-pointer-type unsigned-byte)
- (or pixels %null-pointer))
- ;; Generate mipmaps, if needed.
- (when (memq min-filter
- '(nearest-mipmap-nearest
- linear-mipmap-nearest
- nearest-mipmap-linear
- linear-mipmap-linear))
- (gl-generate-mipmap (texture-target texture-2d))))
- texture))
+ (depth texture-depth)
+ (mip-levels texture-mip-levels)
+ (samples texture-samples)
+ (dimension texture-dimension)
+ (format texture-format)
+ (view %texture-view set-texture-view!))
+(define (print-texture texture port)
+ (match texture
+ (($ <texture> _ _ name _ width height depth _ _ dimension format*)
+ (format #t "#<texture name: ~s width: ~s height: ~s depth: ~s dimension: ~s format: ~s>"
+ name width height depth dimension format*))))
+(set-record-type-printer! <texture> print-texture)
+(define* (make-texture #:key
+ name
+ (width 1)
+ (height 1)
+ (depth 1)
+ (mip-levels 0)
+ (samples 1)
+ (dimension '2d)
+ (format 'rgba8))
+ (let* ((gpu (gpu:current-gpu))
+ (handle (gpu:make-texture gpu width height depth mip-levels
+ samples dimension format)))
+ (%make-texture gpu handle name #f width height depth mip-levels samples
+ dimension format)))
+(define (destroy-texture texture)
+ (unless (texture-destroyed? texture)
+ (gpu:destroy-texture (texture-gpu texture) (texture-handle texture))
+ (set-texture-destroyed! texture #t)))
+(define (texture-1d? texture)
+ "Return #t if TEXTURE is a one-dimensional texture."
+ (eq? (texture-dimension texture) '1d))
+(define (texture-2d? texture)
+ "Return #t if TEXTURE is a two-dimensional texture."
+ (eq? (texture-dimension texture) '2d))
+(define (texture-3d? texture)
+ "Return #t if TEXTURE is a three-dimensional texture."
+ (eq? (texture-dimension texture) '3d))
+;; TODO: This should be temporary???
+(define (texture-view texture)
+ (or (%texture-view texture)
+ (let ((view (make-texture-view texture)))
+ (set-texture-view! texture view)
+ view)))
+(define* (texture-write! texture data #:key
+ (x 0) (y 0) (z 0)
+ (width 0) (height 0) (depth 0)
+ (mip-level 0) (offset 0)
+ (format 'rgba8))
+ (gpu:write-texture (texture-gpu texture) (texture-handle texture)
+ x y z width height depth mip-level format data offset))
-(define* (pixbuf->texture pixbuf #:key
- flip?
- (min-filter 'nearest)
- (mag-filter 'nearest)
- (wrap-s 'repeat)
- (wrap-t 'repeat)
- (format 'rgba))
- "Translate PIXBUF into a texture stored on the GPU. See
-'make-texture' for documentation of all keyword arguments."
- (assert-current-graphics-engine)
- (let* ((width (pixbuf-width pixbuf))
- (height (pixbuf-height pixbuf))
- (texture (%make-texture (gl-generate-texture) '2d #f
- min-filter mag-filter wrap-s wrap-t
- 0 0 width height
- (make-rect 0.0 0.0 width height)
- (if flip?
- (make-rect 0.0 1.0 1.0 -1.0)
- (make-rect 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0)))))
- (graphics-engine-guard! texture)
- (with-graphics-state! ((g:texture-0 texture))
- ;; Ensure that we are using texture unit 0 because
- ;; with-graphics-state! doesn't guarantee it.
- (set-gl-active-texture (version-1-3 texture0))
- (gl-texture-parameter (texture-target texture-2d)
- (texture-parameter-name texture-min-filter)
- (gl-min-filter min-filter))
- (gl-texture-parameter (texture-target texture-2d)
- (texture-parameter-name texture-mag-filter)
- (gl-mag-filter mag-filter))
- (gl-texture-parameter (texture-target texture-2d)
- (texture-parameter-name texture-wrap-s)
- (gl-wrap-mode wrap-s))
- (gl-texture-parameter (texture-target texture-2d)
- (texture-parameter-name texture-wrap-t)
- (gl-wrap-mode wrap-t))
- (gl-texture-image-2d (texture-target texture-2d)
- 0 (pixel-format rgba) width height 0
- (gl-pixel-format format)
- (color-pointer-type unsigned-byte)
- (pixbuf-pixels pixbuf))
- ;; Generate mipmaps, if needed.
- (when (memq min-filter
- '(nearest-mipmap-nearest
- linear-mipmap-nearest
- nearest-mipmap-linear
- linear-mipmap-linear))
- (gl-generate-mipmap (texture-target texture-2d))))
+(define (texture-copy-pixbuf! texture pixbuf)
+ "Copy the contents of PIXBUF to TEXTURE."
+ (texture-write! texture (pixbuf-pixels pixbuf)
+ #:width (pixbuf-width pixbuf)
+ #:height (pixbuf-height pixbuf)))
+(define* (pixbuf->texture pixbuf #:key name)
+ "Return a new 2D texture loaded with the contents of PIXBUF and the
+debug name NAME."
+ (let ((texture (make-texture #:name name
+ #:width (pixbuf-width pixbuf)
+ #:height (pixbuf-height pixbuf))))
+ (texture-copy-pixbuf! texture pixbuf)
-(define* (make-cube-map #:key
- right left top bottom front back
- (min-filter 'linear)
- (mag-filter 'linear)
- (format 'rgba))
- (define (set-face name pixbuf)
- (gl-texture-image-2d (case name
- ((right)
- (version-1-3 texture-cube-map-positive-x))
- ((left)
- (version-1-3 texture-cube-map-negative-x))
- ((top)
- (version-1-3 texture-cube-map-positive-y))
- ((bottom)
- (version-1-3 texture-cube-map-negative-y))
- ((front)
- (version-1-3 texture-cube-map-positive-z))
- ((back)
- (version-1-3 texture-cube-map-negative-z)))
- 0
- (pixel-format rgba)
- (pixbuf-width pixbuf)
- (pixbuf-height pixbuf)
- 0
- (gl-pixel-format format)
- (color-pointer-type unsigned-byte)
- (pixbuf-pixels pixbuf)))
- (assert-current-graphics-engine)
- (let ((texture (%make-texture (gl-generate-texture) 'cube-map #f
- min-filter mag-filter
- 'clamp-to-edge 'clamp-to-edge
- 0 0 0 0 #f #f)))
- (graphics-engine-guard! texture)
- (with-graphics-state! ((g:texture-0 texture))
- ;; Ensure that we are using texture unit 0 because
- ;; with-graphics-state! doesn't guarantee it.
- (set-gl-active-texture (version-1-3 texture0))
- (gl-texture-parameter (gl-texture-target 'cube-map)
- (texture-parameter-name texture-min-filter)
- (gl-min-filter min-filter))
- (gl-texture-parameter (gl-texture-target 'cube-map)
- (texture-parameter-name texture-mag-filter)
- (gl-mag-filter mag-filter))
- (gl-texture-parameter (gl-texture-target 'cube-map)
- (texture-parameter-name texture-wrap-s)
- (gl-wrap-mode 'clamp-to-edge))
- (gl-texture-parameter (gl-texture-target 'cube-map)
- (texture-parameter-name texture-wrap-t)
- (gl-wrap-mode 'clamp-to-edge))
- (gl-texture-parameter (gl-texture-target 'cube-map)
- (texture-parameter-name texture-wrap-r-ext)
- (gl-wrap-mode 'clamp-to-edge))
- (set-face 'right right)
- (set-face 'left left)
- (set-face 'top top)
- (set-face 'bottom bottom)
- (set-face 'front front)
- (set-face 'back back)
- ;; Generate mipmaps, if needed.
- (when (memq min-filter
- '(nearest-mipmap-nearest
- linear-mipmap-nearest
- nearest-mipmap-linear
- linear-mipmap-linear))
- (gl-generate-mipmap (gl-texture-target 'cube-map))))
- texture))
+(define (make-simple-texture name width height pixels)
+ (pixbuf->texture (bytevector->pixbuf pixels width height)
+ #:name name))
+(define-syntax-rule (define-simple-texture name name* width height pixels)
+ (define name
+ (let ((promise (delay (make-simple-texture name* width height pixels))))
+ (define (name) (force promise))
+ name)))
-(define (make-texture-region texture rect)
- "Create a new texture region covering a section of TEXTURE defined
-by the bounding box RECT."
- (let* ((pw (texture-width texture))
- (ph (texture-height texture))
- (x (rect-x rect))
- (y (rect-y rect))
- (w (rect-width rect))
- (h (rect-height rect))
- (vert-rect (make-rect 0.0 0.0 w h))
- (tex-rect (make-rect (/ x pw) (/ y ph) (/ w pw) (/ h ph))))
- (case (texture-type texture)
- ((2d)
- (%make-texture (texture-id texture)
- '2d
- texture
- (texture-min-filter texture)
- (texture-mag-filter texture)
- (texture-wrap-s texture)
- (texture-wrap-t texture)
- x y w h
- vert-rect
- tex-rect))
- (else
- (error "regions can only be made from 2d textures")))))
+(define-simple-texture black-texture "Black texture" 2 2 (u32vector 0 0 0 0))
+(define-simple-texture white-texture "White texture" 2 2
+ (u32vector #xffffffff #xffffffff #xffffffff #xffffffff))
+(define-simple-texture gray-texture "Gray texture" 2 2
+ (u32vector #xff808080 #xff808080 #xff808080 #xff808080))
+;; A "flat" normal map, in tangent space. It's like the identity
+;; property for normals. The colors are used to store 3D tangent space
+;; vectors, with positive Z being "up". Each coordinate is in the
+;; [-1,1] range and then remapped to an 8-bit color channel in the
+;; 0-255 range. Thus, 0 maps to 127 or #x80, -1 maps to 0, and 1 maps
+;; to 255. A flat tangent normal is (0, 0, 1), which is encoded as
+;; the color #xffff8080. Such a value means that a mesh's vertex
+;; normals remain completely unchanged by this normal map.
+(define-simple-texture flat-texture "Flat texture" 2 2
+ (u32vector #xffff8080 #xffff8080 #xffff8080 #xffff8080))
(define (%load-image image transparent-color flip?)
(let ((pixbuf (read-image image)))
@@ -443,203 +223,404 @@ by the bounding box RECT."
((? string?) (make-image obj))))
(define* (load-image image #:key
- (min-filter 'nearest)
- (mag-filter 'nearest)
- (wrap-s 'repeat)
- (wrap-t 'repeat)
+ name
(flip? #t))
"Load a texture from an image in IMAGE, which can be an image object
-or a file name string. MIN-FILTER and MAG-FILTER describe the method
-that should be used for minification and magnification. Valid values
-are 'nearest and 'linear. By default, 'nearest is used."
+or a file name string."
(let ((pixbuf (%load-image (->image image) transparent-color flip?)))
- (pixbuf->texture pixbuf
- #:min-filter min-filter
- #:mag-filter mag-filter
- #:wrap-s wrap-s
- #:wrap-t wrap-t)))
-(define* (load-cube-map #:key right left top bottom front back
- (min-filter 'linear-mipmap-linear)
- (mag-filter 'linear))
- (make-cube-map #:right (%load-image (->image right) #f #f)
- #:left (%load-image (->image left) #f #f)
- #:top (%load-image (->image top) #f #f)
- #:bottom (%load-image (->image bottom) #f #f)
- #:front (%load-image (->image front) #f #f)
- #:back (%load-image (->image back) #f #f)
- #:min-filter min-filter
- #:mag-filter mag-filter))
+ (pixbuf->texture pixbuf #:name name)))
-(define (texture-copy-pixbuf! texture pixbuf)
- "Copy the contents of PIXBUF to TEXTURE."
- (with-graphics-state! ((g:texture-0 texture))
- (gl-texture-sub-image-2d (texture-target texture-2d) 0
- (texture-x texture) (texture-y texture)
- (pixbuf-width pixbuf) (pixbuf-height pixbuf)
- (gl-pixel-format 'rgba)
- (color-pointer-type unsigned-byte)
- (pixbuf-pixels pixbuf))))
-(define (texture->pixbuf texture)
- "Return a new pixbuf with the contents of TEXTURE."
- (let* ((w (texture-width texture))
- (h (texture-height texture))
- (pixels (make-bytevector (* w h 4) 0)))
- (with-graphics-state! ((g:texture-0 texture))
- (gl-get-tex-image (texture-target texture-2d)
- 0
- (gl-pixel-format 'rgba)
- (color-pointer-type unsigned-byte)
- (bytevector->pointer pixels)))
- (let ((pixbuf (bytevector->pixbuf pixels w h
- #:format 'rgba
- #:bit-depth 8)))
- (pixbuf-flip-vertically! pixbuf)
- pixbuf)))
-(define* (write-texture texture
- #:optional (file-name (temp-image-file-name 'png))
- #:key (format 'png))
- "Write TEXTURE to FILE-NAME using FORMAT ('png' by default.)"
- (write-image (texture->pixbuf texture) file-name #:format format))
-(define (black-texture)
- null-texture)
-(define %white-texture
- (delay
- (make-texture 2 2 #:pixels (u32vector #xffffffff #xffffffff
- #xffffffff #xffffffff))))
-(define (white-texture)
- (force %white-texture))
-(define %gray-texture
- (delay
- (make-texture 2 2 #:pixels (u32vector #xff808080 #xff808080
- #xff808080 #xff808080))))
-(define (gray-texture)
- (force %gray-texture))
+;;; Texture views
-;; A "flat" normal map, in tangent space. It's like the identity
-;; property for normals. The colors are used to store 3D tangent space
-;; vectors, with positive Z being "up". Each coordinate is in the
-;; [-1,1] range and then remapped to an 8-bit color channel in the
-;; 0-255 range. Thus, 0 maps to 127 or #x80, -1 maps to 0, and 1 maps
-;; to 255. The color values are in ABGR ordering. A flat tangent
-;; normal is (0, 0, 1), which is encoded as the color #xffff8080.
-;; Such a value means that a mesh's vertex normals remain completely
-;; unchanged by this normal map.
-(define %flat-texture
- (delay
- (make-texture 2 2 #:pixels (u32vector #xffff8080 #xffff8080
- #xffff8080 #xffff8080))))
-(define (flat-texture)
- (force %flat-texture))
+(define-record-type <texture-view>
+ (%make-texture-view gpu handle name destroyed? texture format dimension
+ aspect base-mip-level mip-levels base-layer layers)
+ texture-view?
+ (gpu texture-view-gpu)
+ (handle texture-view-handle)
+ (name texture-view-name)
+ (destroyed? texture-view-destroyed? set-texture-view-destroyed!)
+ (texture texture-view-texture)
+ (format texture-view-format)
+ (dimension texture-view-dimension)
+ (aspect texture-view-aspect)
+ (base-mip-level texture-view-base-mip-level)
+ (mip-levels texture-view-mip-levels)
+ (base-layer texture-view-base-layer)
+ (layers texture-view-layers))
+(define (print-texture-view view port)
+ (match view
+ (($ <texture-view> _ _ name _ texture format* dimension aspect)
+ (format port "#<texture-view name: ~s texture: ~s format: ~s dimension: ~s aspect: ~s>"
+ name texture format* dimension aspect))))
+(set-record-type-printer! <texture-view> print-texture-view)
+(define* (make-texture-view texture #:key
+ name
+ (format (texture-format texture))
+ (dimension (texture-dimension texture))
+ (aspect 'all)
+ (base-mip-level 0)
+ (mip-levels (texture-mip-levels texture))
+ (base-layer 0)
+ (layers (match dimension
+ ((or 'cube 'cube-array) 6)
+ (_ 1))))
+ (let* ((gpu (gpu:current-gpu))
+ (handle (gpu:make-texture-view gpu (texture-handle texture) format
+ dimension aspect
+ base-mip-level mip-levels
+ base-layer layers)))
+ (%make-texture-view gpu handle name #f texture format dimension aspect
+ base-mip-level mip-levels base-layer layers)))
+(define (destroy-texture-view view)
+ (unless (texture-view-destroyed? view)
+ (gpu:destroy-texture-view (texture-view-gpu view) (texture-view-handle view))
+ (set-texture-view-destroyed! view #t)))
+(define (texture-view-1d? view)
+ "Return #t if TEXTURE-VIEW is a one-dimensional texture view."
+ (eq? (texture-view-dimension view) '1d))
+(define (texture-view-2d? view)
+ "Return #t if TEXTURE-VIEW is a two-dimensional texture view."
+ (eq? (texture-view-dimension view) '2d))
+(define (texture-view-2d-array? view)
+ "Return #t if TEXTURE-VIEW is a two-dimensional array texture view."
+ (eq? (texture-view-dimension view) '2d-array))
+(define (texture-view-3d? view)
+ "Return #t if TEXTURE-VIEW is a three-dimensional texture view."
+ (eq? (texture-view-dimension view) '3d))
+(define (texture-view-cube? view)
+ "Return #t if TEXTURE-VIEW is a cube texture view."
+ (eq? (texture-view-dimension view) 'cube))
+(define (texture-view-cube-array? view)
+ "Return #t if TEXTURE-VIEW is a cube array texture view."
+ (eq? (texture-view-dimension view) 'cube-array))
+(define (texture-view-width view)
+ (texture-width (texture-view-texture view)))
+(define (texture-view-height view)
+ (texture-height (texture-view-texture view)))
+(define (texture-view-depth view)
+ (texture-depth (texture-view-texture view)))
-;;; Texture Atlas
+;;; Samplers
-(define-record-type <texture-atlas>
- (%make-texture-atlas texture vector)
- texture-atlas?
- (texture texture-atlas-texture)
- (vector texture-atlas-vector))
-(define (display-texture-atlas atlas port)
- (format port
- "#<texture-atlas texture: ~a size: ~d>"
- (texture-atlas-texture atlas)
- (vector-length (texture-atlas-vector atlas))))
-(set-record-type-printer! <texture-atlas> display-texture-atlas)
-(define (list->texture-atlas texture rects)
- "Return a new atlas for TEXTURE containing RECTS, a list of texture
-coordinate rects denoting the various regions within."
- (let ((v (make-vector (length rects))))
- (let loop ((i 0)
- (rects rects))
- (match rects
- (() (%make-texture-atlas texture v))
- (((x y width height) . rest)
- (vector-set! v i (make-texture-region texture (make-rect x y width height)))
- (loop (1+ i) rest))))))
-(define (texture-atlas texture . rects)
- "Return a new atlas for TEXTURE containing RECTS, a series of
-4-tuples in the form (x y width height) describing the various tiles
- (list->texture-atlas texture rects))
-(define (texture-atlas-size atlas)
- "Return the size of ATLAS."
- (vector-length (texture-atlas-vector atlas)))
-(define (texture-atlas-ref atlas index)
- "Return the texture region associated with INDEX in
- (vector-ref (texture-atlas-vector atlas) index))
-(define* (texture-tileset-dimensions texture tile-width tile-height #:key
- (margin 0) (spacing 0))
- (values (inexact->exact
- (ceiling (/ (- (texture-width texture) margin)
- (+ tile-width spacing))))
- (inexact->exact
- (ceiling (/ (- (texture-height texture) margin)
- (+ tile-height spacing))))))
-(define* (split-texture texture tile-width tile-height #:key
- (margin 0) (spacing 0))
- "Return a new texture atlas that splits TEXTURE into a grid of
-TILE-WIDTH by TILE-HEIGHT rectangles. Optionally, each tile may have
-SPACING pixels of horizontal and vertical space between surrounding
-tiles and the entire image may have MARGIN pixels of empty space
-around its border.
-This type of texture atlas layout is very common for tile map
- (call-with-values (lambda ()
- (texture-tileset-dimensions texture tile-width tile-height
- #:margin margin
- #:spacing spacing))
- (lambda (columns rows)
- (let ((v (make-vector (* rows columns))))
- (define (make-tile tx ty)
- (let* ((x (+ (* tx (+ tile-width spacing)) margin))
- (y (+ (* ty (+ tile-height spacing)) margin)))
- (make-texture-region texture (make-rect x y tile-width tile-height))))
- (for-range ((x columns)
- (y rows))
- (vector-set! v (+ x (* y columns)) (make-tile x y)))
- (%make-texture-atlas texture v)))))
-(define* (load-tileset file-name tile-width tile-height #:key
- (margin 0)
- (spacing 0)
- (min-filter 'nearest)
+(define-record-type <sampler>
+ (%make-sampler gpu handle name destroyed?
+ address-mode-u address-mode-v address-mode-w
+ mag-filter min-filter mipmap-filter)
+ sampler?
+ (gpu sampler-gpu)
+ (handle sampler-handle)
+ (name sampler-name)
+ (destroyed? sampler-destroyed? set-sampler-destroyed!)
+ (address-mode-u sampler-address-mode-u)
+ (address-mode-v sampler-address-mode-v)
+ (address-mode-w sampler-address-mode-w)
+ (mag-filter sampler-mag-filter)
+ (min-filter sampler-min-filter)
+ (mipmap-filter sampler-mipmap-filter))
+(define (print-sampler sampler port)
+ (match sampler
+ (($ <sampler> _ _ name _ u v w mag min mip)
+ (format port
+ "#<sampler name: ~s address-mode: (u: ~s v: ~s w: ~s) filter: (mag: ~s min: ~s: mipmap: ~s)>"
+ name u v w mag min mip))))
+(set-record-type-printer! <sampler> print-sampler)
+(define* (make-sampler #:key name
+ (address-mode-u 'clamp-to-edge)
+ (address-mode-v 'clamp-to-edge)
+ (address-mode-w 'clamp-to-edge)
(mag-filter 'nearest)
- (wrap-s 'repeat)
- (wrap-t 'repeat)
- transparent-color)
- "Return a new texture atlas that splits the texture loaded from the
-file FILE-NAME into a grid of TILE-WIDTH by TILE-HEIGHT rectangles.
-See load-image and split-texture for information about all keyword
- (split-texture (load-image file-name
- #:min-filter min-filter
- #:mag-filter mag-filter
- #:wrap-s wrap-s
- #:wrap-t wrap-t
- #:transparent-color transparent-color)
- tile-width
- tile-height
- #:margin margin
- #:spacing spacing))
+ (min-filter 'nearest)
+ (mipmap-filter 'nearest))
+ (let* ((gpu (gpu:current-gpu))
+ (handle (gpu:make-sampler gpu address-mode-u address-mode-v
+ address-mode-w mag-filter min-filter
+ mipmap-filter)))
+ (%make-sampler gpu handle name #f
+ address-mode-u address-mode-v address-mode-w
+ mag-filter min-filter mipmap-filter)))
+(define (destroy-sampler sampler)
+ (unless (sampler-destroyed? sampler)
+ (gpu:destroy-sampler (sampler-gpu sampler) (sampler-handle sampler))
+ (set-sampler-destroyed! sampler #t)))
+;; ;;;
+;; ;;; Textures
+;; ;;;
+;; ;; The <texture> object is a simple wrapper around an OpenGL texture
+;; ;; id.
+;; (define-record-type <texture>
+;; (%make-texture id type parent min-filter mag-filter wrap-s wrap-t
+;; x y width height gl-rect gl-tex-rect)
+;; texture?
+;; (id texture-id)
+;; (type texture-type)
+;; (parent texture-parent)
+;; (min-filter texture-min-filter)
+;; (mag-filter texture-mag-filter)
+;; (wrap-s texture-wrap-s)
+;; (wrap-t texture-wrap-t)
+;; (x texture-x)
+;; (y texture-y)
+;; (width texture-width)
+;; (height texture-height)
+;; (gl-rect texture-gl-rect)
+;; (gl-tex-rect texture-gl-tex-rect))
+;; (set-record-type-printer! <texture>
+;; (lambda (texture port)
+;; (format port
+;; "#<texture id: ~d region?: ~a x: ~d y: ~d width: ~d height: ~d min-filter: ~a mag-filter: ~a wrap-s: ~a wrap-t: ~a>"
+;; (texture-id texture)
+;; (texture-region? texture)
+;; (texture-x texture)
+;; (texture-y texture)
+;; (texture-width texture)
+;; (texture-height texture)
+;; (texture-min-filter texture)
+;; (texture-mag-filter texture)
+;; (texture-wrap-s texture)
+;; (texture-wrap-t texture))))
+;; (define null-texture
+;; (%make-texture 0 '2d #f 'linear 'linear 'repeat 'repeat 0 0 0 0
+;; (make-rect 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0) (make-rect 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0)))
+;; (define (texture-null? texture)
+;; "Return #t if TEXTURE is the null texture."
+;; (eq? texture null-texture))
+;; (define (texture-region? texture)
+;; (texture? (texture-parent texture)))
+;; (define (cube-map? texture)
+;; (and (texture? texture) (eq? (texture-type texture) 'cube-map)))
+;; (define (free-texture texture)
+;; (gl-delete-texture (texture-id texture)))
+;; (define (gl-texture-target type)
+;; (case type
+;; ((2d)
+;; (texture-target texture-2d))
+;; ((cube-map)
+;; (version-1-3 texture-cube-map))))
+;; (define (make-bind-texture n)
+;; (lambda (texture)
+;; (let ((texture-unit (+ (version-1-3 texture0) n)))
+;; (set-gl-active-texture texture-unit)
+;; (gl-bind-texture (gl-texture-target (texture-type texture))
+;; (texture-id texture)))))
+;; (define* (make-texture width height #:key
+;; pixels flip?
+;; (min-filter 'nearest)
+;; (mag-filter 'nearest)
+;; (wrap-s 'repeat)
+;; (wrap-t 'repeat)
+;; (format 'rgba))
+;; "Return a new GPU texture of WIDTH x HEIGHT pixels in size. PIXELS
+;; may be a bytevector of WIDTH x HEIGHT pixels in 32-bit RGBA format, in
+;; which case the texture will contain a copy of that data. If PIXELS is
+;; not provided, the texture data will not be initialized. If FLIP? is
+;; #t then the texture coordinates will be flipped vertically. The
+;; generated texture uses MIN-FILTER for downscaling and MAG-FILTER for
+;; upscaling. WRAP-S and WRAP-T are symbols that control how texture
+;; access is handled for texture coordinates outside the [0, 1] range.
+;; Allowed symbols are: repeat (the default), mirrored-repeat, clamp,
+;; clamp-to-border, clamp-to-edge. FORMAT specifies the pixel format.
+;; Currently only 32-bit RGBA format is supported."
+;; (assert-current-graphics-engine)
+;; (let ((texture (%make-texture (gl-generate-texture) '2d #f
+;; min-filter mag-filter wrap-s wrap-t
+;; 0 0 width height
+;; (make-rect 0.0 0.0 width height)
+;; (if flip?
+;; (make-rect 0.0 1.0 1.0 -1.0)
+;; (make-rect 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0)))))
+;; (graphics-engine-guard! texture)
+;; (with-graphics-state! ((g:texture-0 texture))
+;; ;; Ensure that we are using texture unit 0 because
+;; ;; with-graphics-state! doesn't guarantee it.
+;; (set-gl-active-texture (version-1-3 texture0))
+;; (gl-texture-parameter (texture-target texture-2d)
+;; (texture-parameter-name texture-min-filter)
+;; (gl-min-filter min-filter))
+;; (gl-texture-parameter (texture-target texture-2d)
+;; (texture-parameter-name texture-mag-filter)
+;; (gl-mag-filter mag-filter))
+;; (gl-texture-parameter (texture-target texture-2d)
+;; (texture-parameter-name texture-wrap-s)
+;; (gl-wrap-mode wrap-s))
+;; (gl-texture-parameter (texture-target texture-2d)
+;; (texture-parameter-name texture-wrap-t)
+;; (gl-wrap-mode wrap-t))
+;; (gl-texture-image-2d (texture-target texture-2d)
+;; 0 (pixel-format rgba) width height 0
+;; (gl-pixel-format format)
+;; (color-pointer-type unsigned-byte)
+;; (or pixels %null-pointer))
+;; ;; Generate mipmaps, if needed.
+;; (when (memq min-filter
+;; '(nearest-mipmap-nearest
+;; linear-mipmap-nearest
+;; nearest-mipmap-linear
+;; linear-mipmap-linear))
+;; (gl-generate-mipmap (texture-target texture-2d))))
+;; texture))
+;; (define* (make-cube-map #:key
+;; right left top bottom front back
+;; (min-filter 'linear)
+;; (mag-filter 'linear)
+;; (format 'rgba))
+;; (define (set-face name pixbuf)
+;; (gl-texture-image-2d (case name
+;; ((right)
+;; (version-1-3 texture-cube-map-positive-x))
+;; ((left)
+;; (version-1-3 texture-cube-map-negative-x))
+;; ((top)
+;; (version-1-3 texture-cube-map-positive-y))
+;; ((bottom)
+;; (version-1-3 texture-cube-map-negative-y))
+;; ((front)
+;; (version-1-3 texture-cube-map-positive-z))
+;; ((back)
+;; (version-1-3 texture-cube-map-negative-z)))
+;; 0
+;; (pixel-format rgba)
+;; (pixbuf-width pixbuf)
+;; (pixbuf-height pixbuf)
+;; 0
+;; (gl-pixel-format format)
+;; (color-pointer-type unsigned-byte)
+;; (pixbuf-pixels pixbuf)))
+;; (assert-current-graphics-engine)
+;; (let ((texture (%make-texture (gl-generate-texture) 'cube-map #f
+;; min-filter mag-filter
+;; 'clamp-to-edge 'clamp-to-edge
+;; 0 0 0 0 #f #f)))
+;; (graphics-engine-guard! texture)
+;; (with-graphics-state! ((g:texture-0 texture))
+;; ;; Ensure that we are using texture unit 0 because
+;; ;; with-graphics-state! doesn't guarantee it.
+;; (set-gl-active-texture (version-1-3 texture0))
+;; (gl-texture-parameter (gl-texture-target 'cube-map)
+;; (texture-parameter-name texture-min-filter)
+;; (gl-min-filter min-filter))
+;; (gl-texture-parameter (gl-texture-target 'cube-map)
+;; (texture-parameter-name texture-mag-filter)
+;; (gl-mag-filter mag-filter))
+;; (gl-texture-parameter (gl-texture-target 'cube-map)
+;; (texture-parameter-name texture-wrap-s)
+;; (gl-wrap-mode 'clamp-to-edge))
+;; (gl-texture-parameter (gl-texture-target 'cube-map)
+;; (texture-parameter-name texture-wrap-t)
+;; (gl-wrap-mode 'clamp-to-edge))
+;; (gl-texture-parameter (gl-texture-target 'cube-map)
+;; (texture-parameter-name texture-wrap-r-ext)
+;; (gl-wrap-mode 'clamp-to-edge))
+;; (set-face 'right right)
+;; (set-face 'left left)
+;; (set-face 'top top)
+;; (set-face 'bottom bottom)
+;; (set-face 'front front)
+;; (set-face 'back back)
+;; ;; Generate mipmaps, if needed.
+;; (when (memq min-filter
+;; '(nearest-mipmap-nearest
+;; linear-mipmap-nearest
+;; nearest-mipmap-linear
+;; linear-mipmap-linear))
+;; (gl-generate-mipmap (gl-texture-target 'cube-map))))
+;; texture))
+;; (define (make-texture-region texture rect)
+;; "Create a new texture region covering a section of TEXTURE defined
+;; by the bounding box RECT."
+;; (let* ((pw (texture-width texture))
+;; (ph (texture-height texture))
+;; (x (rect-x rect))
+;; (y (rect-y rect))
+;; (w (rect-width rect))
+;; (h (rect-height rect))
+;; (vert-rect (make-rect 0.0 0.0 w h))
+;; (tex-rect (make-rect (/ x pw) (/ y ph) (/ w pw) (/ h ph))))
+;; (case (texture-type texture)
+;; ((2d)
+;; (%make-texture (texture-id texture)
+;; '2d
+;; texture
+;; (texture-min-filter texture)
+;; (texture-mag-filter texture)
+;; (texture-wrap-s texture)
+;; (texture-wrap-t texture)
+;; x y w h
+;; vert-rect
+;; tex-rect))
+;; (else
+;; (error "regions can only be made from 2d textures")))))
+;; (define* (load-cube-map #:key right left top bottom front back
+;; (min-filter 'linear-mipmap-linear)
+;; (mag-filter 'linear))
+;; (make-cube-map #:right (%load-image right #f #f)
+;; #:left (%load-image left #f #f)
+;; #:top (%load-image top #f #f)
+;; #:bottom (%load-image bottom #f #f)
+;; #:front (%load-image front #f #f)
+;; #:back (%load-image back #f #f)
+;; #:min-filter min-filter
+;; #:mag-filter mag-filter))
+;; (define (texture->pixbuf texture)
+;; "Return a new pixbuf with the contents of TEXTURE."
+;; (let* ((w (texture-width texture))
+;; (h (texture-height texture))
+;; (pixels (make-bytevector (* w h 4) 0)))
+;; (with-graphics-state! ((g:texture-0 texture))
+;; (gl-get-tex-image (texture-target texture-2d)
+;; 0
+;; (gl-pixel-format 'rgba)
+;; (color-pointer-type unsigned-byte)
+;; (bytevector->pointer pixels)))
+;; (let ((pixbuf (bytevector->pixbuf pixels w h
+;; #:format 'rgba
+;; #:bit-depth 8)))
+;; (pixbuf-flip-vertically! pixbuf)
+;; pixbuf)))
+;; (define* (write-texture texture
+;; #:optional (file-name (temp-image-file-name 'png))
+;; #:key (format 'png))
+;; "Write TEXTURE to FILE-NAME using FORMAT ('png' by default.)"
+;; (write-image (texture->pixbuf texture) file-name #:format format))