path: root/chickadee/graphics/font.scm
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Diffstat (limited to 'chickadee/graphics/font.scm')
1 files changed, 513 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chickadee/graphics/font.scm b/chickadee/graphics/font.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c115b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chickadee/graphics/font.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,513 @@
+;;; Chickadee Game Toolkit
+;;; Copyright © 2017, 2020 David Thompson <>
+;;; Chickadee is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
+;;; by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
+;;; or (at your option) any later version.
+;;; Chickadee is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;; along with this program. If not, see
+;;; <>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Bitmap font rendering.
+;;; Code:
+(define-module (chickadee graphics font)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 format)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 match)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 regex)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-4)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-9)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-9 gnu)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-11)
+ #:use-module (sxml xpath)
+ #:use-module (sxml simple)
+ #:use-module (chickadee config)
+ #:use-module (chickadee freetype)
+ #:use-module (chickadee math matrix)
+ #:use-module (chickadee math rect)
+ #:use-module (chickadee math vector)
+ #:use-module (chickadee graphics)
+ #:use-module (chickadee graphics gpu)
+ #:use-module (chickadee graphics shader)
+ #:use-module (chickadee graphics sprite)
+ #:use-module (chickadee graphics texture)
+ #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors)
+ #:export (load-tile-font
+ load-bitmap-font
+ load-font
+ font?
+ font-face
+ font-line-height
+ font-line-width
+ font-bold?
+ font-italic?
+ default-font
+ draw-text*
+ draw-text))
+(define-record-type <font-char>
+ (make-font-char id texture-region offset dimensions advance)
+ font-char?
+ (id font-char-id)
+ (texture-region font-char-texture-region)
+ (offset font-char-offset)
+ (dimensions font-char-dimensions)
+ (advance font-char-advance))
+(define-record-type <font>
+ (make-font face bold? italic? line-height chars kernings sprite-batches)
+ font?
+ (face font-face)
+ (bold? font-bold?)
+ (italic? font-italic?)
+ (line-height font-line-height)
+ (chars font-chars)
+ (kernings font-kernings)
+ (sprite-batches font-sprite-batches))
+(define (display-font font port)
+ (format port "#<font face: ~a line-height: ~d bold?: ~a italic?: ~a>"
+ (font-face font)
+ (font-line-height font)
+ (font-bold? font)
+ (font-italic? font)))
+(set-record-type-printer! <font> display-font)
+(define (font-line-width font text)
+ "Return the width of TEXT when rendered with FONT."
+ (let loop ((width 0.0)
+ (i 0))
+ (if (< i (string-length text))
+ (let ((char (or (font-ref font (string-ref text i))
+ (font-ref font #\?))))
+ (loop (+ width (vec2-x (font-char-advance char)))
+ (+ i 1)))
+ width)))
+(define freetype-handle
+ (delay (init-freetype)))
+(define* (load-font file-name point-size #:key (char-set char-set:ascii))
+ "Load all the glyphs in CHAR-SET from the font in FILE-NAME and
+display it at POINT-SIZE. By default, the ASCII character is used."
+ (unless (file-exists? file-name)
+ (error "no such file" file-name))
+ (let ((face (load-face (force freetype-handle) file-name))
+ (chars (make-hash-table))
+ (kernings (make-hash-table))
+ (batches (make-hash-table))
+ (texture-size (min (gpu-max-texture-size (current-gpu)) 2048)))
+ ;; TODO: Use actual screen DPI.
+ (set-char-size! face (* point-size 64) 0 96 96)
+ (let ((glyph (face-glyph-slot face))
+ (pixels (make-bytevector (* texture-size texture-size 4)))
+ (x 0)
+ (y 0)
+ (next-y 0))
+ (define (add-pixels char width height pitch left top advance glyph-pixels)
+ (when (> (+ x width) texture-size)
+ (set! y next-y)
+ (set! x 0))
+ (let y-loop ((row 0))
+ (when (< row height)
+ (let x-loop ((column 0))
+ (when (< column width)
+ (let ((gray (u8vector-ref glyph-pixels
+ (+ (* row pitch) column)))
+ (offset (+ (* (+ y row) texture-size 4)
+ (* (+ x column) 4))))
+ (u8vector-set! pixels offset 255)
+ (u8vector-set! pixels (+ offset 1) 255)
+ (u8vector-set! pixels (+ offset 2) 255)
+ (u8vector-set! pixels (+ offset 3) gray))
+ (x-loop (+ column 1))))
+ (y-loop (+ row 1))))
+ (let ((spec (list char x y width height left top advance)))
+ (set! x (+ x width))
+ (set! next-y (max next-y (+ y height)))
+ spec))
+ ;; Render individual glyph bitmaps and compose them into larger
+ ;; images to be used as textures.
+ (let* ((specs
+ (char-set-fold
+ (lambda (char prev)
+ (load-char face char '(render))
+ (let ((left (glyph-bitmap-left glyph))
+ (top (glyph-bitmap-top glyph)))
+ (match (glyph-metrics glyph)
+ ((bearing-x bearing-y advance)
+ (match (glyph-bitmap glyph)
+ ((width height pitch glyph-pixels)
+ (cons (if glyph-pixels
+ (add-pixels char width height
+ pitch left top
+ advance
+ glyph-pixels)
+ (list char #f #f width height left top advance))
+ prev)))))))
+ '()
+ char-set))
+ ;; TODO: Use multiple textures if needed.
+ (texture (make-texture pixels texture-size texture-size)))
+ ;; Process kernings.
+ (char-set-for-each
+ (lambda (left)
+ (let ((left-index (get-char-index face left)))
+ (char-set-for-each
+ (lambda (right)
+ (let* ((k (get-kerning face
+ left-index
+ (get-char-index face right)))
+ (kx (s64vector-ref k 0))
+ (ky (s64vector-ref k 1))
+ (t (hash-ref kernings left)))
+ (unless (and (zero? kx) (zero? ky))
+ (let ((kv (vec2 (/ kx 64.0) (/ ky 64.0))))
+ (if t
+ (hash-set! t right kv)
+ (let ((t (make-hash-table)))
+ (hash-set! t right kv)
+ (hash-set! kernings left t)))))))
+ char-set)))
+ char-set)
+ ;; Build chars.
+ (for-each (match-lambda
+ ((char x y width height left top advance)
+ (hash-set! chars char
+ (make-font-char char
+ (and x y
+ (make-texture-region texture
+ (make-rect x y width height)))
+ (vec2 left (- top height))
+ (vec2 width height)
+ (vec2 advance 0.0)))))
+ specs)
+ (hashq-set! batches texture (make-sprite-batch texture))))
+ (let ((style (face-style-name face)))
+ (match (size-metrics (face-size face))
+ ((_ _ _ _ _ _ height _)
+ (make-font (face-family-name face)
+ (and (string-match ".*[B,b]old.*" style) #t)
+ (and (string-match ".*[I,i]talic.*" style) #t)
+ (/ height 64.0)
+ chars
+ kernings
+ batches))))))
+(define* (load-tile-font file tile-width tile-height characters #:key
+ (face "untitled") (margin 0) (spacing 0))
+ "Load the font named FACE from FILE, a bitmap image containing the
+characters in the string CHARACTERS that are TILE-WIDTH by TILE-HEIGHT
+pixels in size. The characters in the image *must* appear in the
+order that they are specified in the character set or text will not
+render properly. Optionally, each tile may have SPACING pixels of
+horizontal and vertical space between surrounding tiles and the entire
+image may have MARGIN pixels of empty space around its border."
+ (let* ((texture (load-image file))
+ (atlas (split-texture texture tile-width tile-height
+ #:margin margin
+ #:spacing spacing))
+ (chars
+ (let ((table (make-hash-table)))
+ (string-for-each-index
+ (lambda (i)
+ (hash-set! table (string-ref characters i)
+ (make-font-char (string-ref characters i)
+ (texture-atlas-ref atlas i)
+ (vec2 0.0 0.0)
+ (vec2 tile-width tile-height)
+ (vec2 tile-width 0.0))))
+ characters)
+ table))
+ ;; These fonts are by definition monospace fonts, so no
+ ;; kerning.
+ (kernings (make-hash-table))
+ (batches (make-hash-table)))
+ (hashq-set! batches texture (make-sprite-batch texture))
+ (make-font face #f #f tile-height chars kernings batches)))
+(define (load-bitmap-font file)
+ "Load the AngelCode formatted bitmap font within FILE. The file
+extension must be either .xml or .fnt."
+ (cond
+ ((string-suffix? ".xml" file)
+ (parse-bmfont-sxml file (call-with-input-file file xml->sxml)))
+ ((string-suffix? ".fnt" file)
+ (parse-bmfont-sxml file (parse-fnt file)))
+ (else
+ (error "unknown bmfont file type: " file))))
+(define (parse-fnt file)
+ (define (newline? char)
+ (eqv? char #\newline))
+ (define (whitespace? char)
+ (and (not (newline? char))
+ (char-set-contains? char-set:whitespace char)))
+ (define (letter? char)
+ (char-set-contains? char-set:letter char))
+ (define (consume-whitespace port)
+ (match (peek-char port)
+ ((? eof-object?) *unspecified*)
+ ((? whitespace?)
+ (read-char port)
+ (consume-whitespace port))
+ (_ *unspecified*)))
+ (define (read-tag port)
+ (list->symbol
+ (let loop ()
+ (match (peek-char port)
+ ((? letter? char)
+ (read-char port)
+ (cons char (loop)))
+ ((? whitespace? char)
+ '())))))
+ (define (read-key port)
+ (list->symbol
+ (let loop ()
+ (match (read-char port)
+ (#\= '())
+ ((? letter? char)
+ (cons char (loop)))))))
+ (define (read-quoted-string port)
+ (match (read-char port)
+ (#\" #t))
+ (list->string
+ (let loop ()
+ (match (read-char port)
+ (#\"
+ (if (or (whitespace? (peek-char port))
+ (newline? (peek-char port)))
+ '()
+ (cons #\" (loop))))
+ (char (cons char (loop)))))))
+ (define (read-unquoted-string port)
+ (list->string
+ (let loop ()
+ (match (peek-char port)
+ ((or (? whitespace?)
+ (? newline?))
+ '())
+ (char
+ (read-char port)
+ (cons char (loop)))))))
+ (define (read-value port)
+ (match (peek-char port)
+ (#\"
+ (read-quoted-string port))
+ (_ (read-unquoted-string port))))
+ (define (read-key/value-pair port)
+ (list (read-key port) (read-value port)))
+ (define (read-key/value-pairs port)
+ (cons '@
+ (let loop ()
+ (consume-whitespace port)
+ (match (peek-char port)
+ ((? newline?)
+ (read-char port)
+ '())
+ ((? letter?)
+ (cons (read-key/value-pair port)
+ (loop)))))))
+ (define (read-line port)
+ (list (read-tag port) (read-key/value-pairs port)))
+ `(*TOP*
+ (font
+ ,@(call-with-input-file file
+ (lambda (port)
+ (let loop ((pages '()))
+ (match (peek-char port)
+ ((? eof-object?)
+ `((pages (@ (count ,(number->string (length pages))))
+ ,@pages)))
+ ((? newline?)
+ (read-char port)
+ (loop pages))
+ ((? letter?)
+ (match (read-line port)
+ ((tag ('@ ('count count)))
+ (cons (cons* tag
+ `(@ (count ,count))
+ (list-tabulate (string->number count)
+ (lambda (i)
+ (read-line port))))
+ (loop pages)))
+ ((and ('page . _) page)
+ (loop (cons page pages)))
+ (exp (cons exp (loop pages))))))))))))
+(define (parse-bmfont-sxml file tree)
+ (define directory (dirname file))
+ (define* (attr tree name #:optional (parse identity))
+ (let ((result ((sxpath `(@ ,name *text*)) tree)))
+ (if (null? result)
+ #f
+ (parse (car result)))))
+ (define (parse-pages nodes)
+ (let ((table (make-hash-table)))
+ (for-each (lambda (node)
+ (let* ((id (attr node 'id string->number))
+ (file (attr node 'file))
+ (texture (load-image
+ (string-append directory "/" file))))
+ (hash-set! table id texture)))
+ nodes)
+ table))
+ (define (string->character s)
+ (integer->char (string->number s)))
+ (define (parse-chars nodes pages image-width image-height line-height)
+ (define (x->s x)
+ (exact->inexact (/ x image-width)))
+ (define (y->t y)
+ (exact->inexact (/ y image-height)))
+ (let ((table (make-hash-table)))
+ (for-each (lambda (node)
+ (let* ((id (attr node 'id string->character))
+ (width (attr node 'width string->number))
+ (height (attr node 'height string->number))
+ (x (attr node 'x string->number))
+ (y (attr node 'y string->number))
+ (x-offset (attr node 'xoffset string->number))
+ (y-offset (- line-height height
+ (attr node 'yoffset string->number)))
+ (x-advance (attr node 'xadvance string->number))
+ (page (or (attr node 'page string->number) 0))
+ (region (make-texture-region (hash-ref pages page)
+ (make-rect x y width height)))
+ (char (make-font-char id
+ region
+ (vec2 x-offset y-offset)
+ (vec2 width height)
+ (vec2 x-advance 0.0))))
+ (hash-set! table id char)))
+ nodes)
+ table))
+ (define (parse-kernings nodes)
+ (let ((table (make-hash-table)))
+ (for-each (lambda (node)
+ (let* ((first (attr node 'first string->character))
+ (second (attr node 'second string->character))
+ (x-offset (attr node 'amount string->number))
+ (inner-table (hash-ref table first)))
+ (if inner-table
+ (hash-set! inner-table second (vec2 x-offset 0.0))
+ (let ((inner-table (make-hash-table)))
+ (hash-set! inner-table second (vec2 x-offset 0.0))
+ (hash-set! table first inner-table)))))
+ nodes)
+ table))
+ (let* ((info ((sxpath '(font info)) tree))
+ (common ((sxpath '(font common)) tree))
+ (face (attr info 'face))
+ (bold? (attr info 'bold (const #t)))
+ (italic? (attr info 'italic (const #t)))
+ (line-height (attr common 'lineHeight string->number))
+ (image-width (attr common 'scaleW string->number))
+ (image-height (attr common 'scaleH string->number))
+ (pages (parse-pages ((sxpath '(font pages page)) tree)))
+ (chars (parse-chars ((sxpath '(font chars char)) tree)
+ pages
+ image-width
+ image-height
+ line-height))
+ (kernings (parse-kernings ((sxpath '(font kernings kerning)) tree)))
+ (batches (make-hash-table)))
+ (hash-for-each (lambda (id texture)
+ (hashq-set! batches texture (make-sprite-batch texture)))
+ pages)
+ (make-font face bold? italic? line-height chars kernings batches)))
+(define (font-ref font char)
+ (hashv-ref (font-chars font) char))
+(define draw-text*
+ (let ((cursor (vec2 0.0 0.0))
+ (rect (make-rect 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0)))
+ (lambda* (font text matrix #:key (blend-mode 'alpha)
+ (start 0) (end (string-length text)))
+ (let ((batches (font-sprite-batches font))
+ (kernings (font-kernings font)))
+ (define (kerning char prev)
+ (let ((t (hash-ref kernings prev)))
+ (and t (hash-ref t char))))
+ (define (render-char c prev)
+ (if (eqv? c #\newline)
+ (begin
+ (set-vec2-x! cursor 0.0)
+ (set-vec2-y! cursor (- (vec2-y cursor) (font-line-height font))))
+ ;; TODO: What if "?" isn't in the font?
+ (let* ((char (or (font-ref font c) (font-ref font #\?)))
+ (k (kerning c prev))
+ (texture (font-char-texture-region char))
+ (batch (and texture (hashq-ref batches (texture-parent texture))))
+ (dimensions (font-char-dimensions char))
+ (offset (font-char-offset char)))
+ ;; Apply kerning, if present.
+ (when k
+ (set-vec2-x! cursor (+ (vec2-x cursor) (vec2-x k))))
+ (when texture
+ (set-rect-x! rect (+ (vec2-x cursor) (vec2-x offset)))
+ (set-rect-y! rect (+ (vec2-y cursor) (vec2-y offset)))
+ (set-rect-width! rect (vec2-x dimensions))
+ (set-rect-height! rect (vec2-y dimensions))
+ (sprite-batch-add* batch rect matrix
+ #:texture-region texture))
+ ;; Move forward to where the next character needs to be drawn.
+ (set-vec2-x! cursor
+ (+ (vec2-x cursor)
+ (vec2-x
+ (font-char-advance char)))))))
+ (set-vec2! cursor 0.0 0.0)
+ (hash-for-each (lambda (texture batch)
+ (sprite-batch-clear! batch))
+ batches)
+ (let loop ((i start)
+ (prev #f))
+ (when (< i end)
+ (let ((char (string-ref text i)))
+ (render-char char prev)
+ (loop (+ i 1) char))))
+ (hash-for-each (lambda (texture batch)
+ (draw-sprite-batch batch #:blend-mode blend-mode))
+ batches)))))
+(define %default-scale (vec2 1.0 1.0))
+(define %null-vec2 (vec2 0.0 0.0))
+(define %default-font
+ (delay (load-font (scope-datadir "fonts/Inconsolata-Regular.otf") 12)))
+(define (default-font)
+ (force %default-font))
+(define draw-text
+ (let ((matrix (make-null-matrix4)))
+ (lambda* (text
+ position
+ #:key
+ (font (default-font))
+ (origin %null-vec2)
+ (rotation 0)
+ (scale %default-scale)
+ (blend-mode 'alpha)
+ (start 0)
+ (end (string-length text)))
+ "Draw the string TEXT with the first character starting at
+ (matrix4-2d-transform! matrix
+ #:origin origin
+ #:position position
+ #:rotation rotation
+ #:scale scale)
+ (draw-text* font text matrix #:blend-mode blend-mode
+ #:start start #:end end))))