path: root/chickadee/graphics.scm
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Diffstat (limited to 'chickadee/graphics.scm')
1 files changed, 343 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chickadee/graphics.scm b/chickadee/graphics.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26c8515
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chickadee/graphics.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+;;; Chickadee Game Toolkit
+;;; Copyright © 2024 David Thompson <>
+;;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+;;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+;;; You may obtain a copy of the License at
+;;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+;;; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+;;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+;;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+;;; limitations under the License.
+(define-module (chickadee graphics)
+ #:use-module ((chickadee graphics backend) #:prefix gpu:)
+ #:use-module (chickadee graphics blend)
+ #:use-module (chickadee graphics buffer)
+ #:use-module (chickadee graphics color)
+ #:use-module (chickadee graphics pass)
+ #:use-module (chickadee graphics pipeline)
+ #:use-module (chickadee graphics primitive)
+ #:use-module (chickadee graphics shader)
+ #:use-module (chickadee graphics texture)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 match)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-9)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-111)
+ #:export (current-projection
+ current-viewport
+ current-scissor
+ current-pass
+ with-render-pass
+ draw
+ stream-draw
+ flush-stream
+ define-graphics-variable
+ graphics-variable-ref)
+ #:re-export ((gpu:gpu-limits? . gpu-limits?)
+ (gpu:gpu-limits-max-texture-dimension-1d . gpu-limits-max-texture-dimension-1d)
+ (gpu:gpu-limits-max-texture-dimension-2d . gpu-limits-max-texture-dimension-2d)
+ (gpu:gpu-limits-max-texture-dimension-3d . gpu-limits-max-texture-dimension-3d)
+ (gpu:gpu-limits-max-texture-array-layers . gpu-limits-max-texture-array-layers)
+ (gpu:gpu-limits-max-sampled-textures-per-shader-stage . gpu-limits-max-sampled-textures-per-shader-stage)
+ (gpu:gpu-limits-max-samplers-per-shader-stage . gpu-limits-max-samplers-per-shader-stage)
+ (gpu:gpu-limits-max-uniform-buffers-per-shader-stage . gpu-limits-max-uniform-buffers-per-shader-stage)
+ (gpu:gpu-limits-max-uniform-buffer-binding-size . gpu-limits-max-uniform-buffer-binding-size)
+ (gpu:gpu-limits-max-bindings . gpu-limits-max-bindings)
+ (gpu:gpu-limits-max-vertex-buffers . gpu-limits-max-vertex-buffers)
+ (gpu:gpu-limits-max-buffer-size . gpu-limits-max-buffer-size)
+ (gpu:gpu-limits-max-vertex-attributes . gpu-limits-max-vertex-attributes)
+ (gpu:gpu-limits-max-vertex-buffer-array-stride . gpu-limits-max-vertex-buffer-array-stride)
+ (gpu:gpu-limits-max-inter-stage-shader-components . gpu-limits-max-inter-stage-shader-components)
+ (gpu:gpu-limits-max-inter-stage-shader-variables . gpu-limits-max-inter-stage-shader-variables)
+ (gpu:gpu-limits-max-color-attachments . gpu-limits-max-color-attachments)
+ (gpu:current-gpu . current-gpu)
+ (gpu:gpu? . gpu?)
+ (gpu:gpu-name . gpu-name)
+ (gpu:gpu-description . gpu-description)
+ (gpu:gpu-limits . gpu-limits)))
+;; Private API stuff shhhhhhh...
+(define buffer-handle (@@ (chickadee graphics buffer) buffer-handle))
+(define texture-handle (@@ (chickadee graphics texture) texture-handle))
+(define texture-view-handle (@@ (chickadee graphics texture) texture-view-handle))
+(define sampler-handle (@@ (chickadee graphics texture) sampler-handle))
+(define render-pipeline-handle (@@ (chickadee graphics pipeline) render-pipeline-handle))
+(define <render-pipeline> (@@ (chickadee graphics pipeline) <render-pipeline>))
+(define-syntax-rule (define-graphics-variable name exp)
+ (define name
+ (let ((cache '()))
+ (define (get-it)
+ (let ((gpu (gpu:current-gpu)))
+ (or (assq-ref cache gpu)
+ (let ((val exp))
+ (set! cache (cons (cons gpu val) cache))
+ val))))
+ get-it)))
+(define-syntax-rule (graphics-variable-ref var) (var))
+(define current-projection (make-parameter #f))
+(define current-viewport (make-parameter #f))
+(define current-scissor (make-parameter #f))
+(define current-pass (make-parameter #f))
+(define-graphics-variable last-pass (box #f))
+(define (begin-frame)
+ (set-box! (graphics-variable-ref last-pass) #f)
+ (begin-stream)
+ (gpu:begin-frame (gpu:current-gpu)))
+(define (end-frame view)
+ (end-stream)
+ (gpu:end-frame (gpu:current-gpu) (texture-view-handle view)))
+(define (begin-render-pass pass)
+ (define (resolve-texture-view view)
+ (match view
+ (#f #f)
+ ((? texture-view?)
+ (texture-view-handle view))
+ ((? procedure?)
+ (texture-view-handle (view)))))
+ (match pass
+ (($ <render-pass> colors depth+stencil)
+ (let* ((gpu (gpu:current-gpu))
+ (cmd (gpu:request-begin-render-pass-command gpu)))
+ (gpu:set-begin-render-pass-command-pass! cmd pass)
+ (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
+ ((= i (vector-length colors)))
+ (match (vector-ref colors i)
+ (($ <color-attachment> view resolve-target op)
+ (let ((view (resolve-texture-view view))
+ (resolve-target (resolve-texture-view resolve-target)))
+ (gpu:begin-render-pass-command-color-attachment-set!
+ cmd i view resolve-target op)))))
+ (match depth+stencil
+ (#f #t)
+ (($ <depth+stencil-attachment> view depth-op stencil-op)
+ (let ((view (resolve-texture-view view)))
+ (gpu:begin-render-pass-command-depth+stencil-attachment-set!
+ cmd view depth-op stencil-op))))
+ (gpu:submit gpu cmd)))))
+(define (end-render-pass pass)
+ (let* ((gpu (gpu:current-gpu))
+ (cmd (gpu:request-end-render-pass-command gpu)))
+ (gpu:set-end-render-pass-command-pass! cmd pass)
+ (gpu:submit gpu cmd)))
+(define (draw* start count instances pipeline pass viewport scissor
+ blend-constant stencil-reference index-buffer vertex-buffers
+ bindings)
+ (unless (eq? count 0)
+ (let* ((gpu (gpu:current-gpu))
+ (cmd (gpu:request-draw-command gpu))
+ (pass-box (graphics-variable-ref last-pass))
+ (pass* (unbox pass-box)))
+ (unless (eq? pass pass*)
+ (when pass*
+ (end-render-pass pass*))
+ (begin-render-pass pass)
+ (set-box! pass-box pass))
+ (gpu:set-draw-command-pass! cmd pass)
+ (gpu:set-draw-command-pipeline! cmd (render-pipeline-handle pipeline))
+ (gpu:set-draw-command-viewport! cmd viewport)
+ (gpu:set-draw-command-scissor! cmd scissor)
+ (gpu:set-draw-command-blend-constant! cmd blend-constant)
+ (gpu:set-draw-command-stencil-reference! cmd stencil-reference)
+ (gpu:set-draw-command-start! cmd start)
+ (gpu:set-draw-command-count! cmd count)
+ (gpu:set-draw-command-instances! cmd instances)
+ (when index-buffer
+ (gpu:set-draw-command-index-buffer! cmd (buffer-handle index-buffer)))
+ (do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
+ ((= i (vector-length vertex-buffers)))
+ (let ((buffer (buffer-handle (vector-ref vertex-buffers i))))
+ (gpu:set-draw-command-vertex-buffer! cmd i buffer)))
+ (do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
+ ((= i (vector-length bindings)))
+ (match (vector-ref bindings i)
+ ((? buffer? buffer)
+ (gpu:set-draw-command-binding! cmd i (buffer-handle buffer)))
+ ((? texture? texture)
+ (gpu:set-draw-command-binding! cmd i (texture-handle texture)))
+ ((? texture-view? texture)
+ (gpu:set-draw-command-binding! cmd i (texture-view-handle texture)))
+ ((? sampler? sampler)
+ (gpu:set-draw-command-binding! cmd i (sampler-handle sampler)))
+ (#f #f)))
+ (gpu:submit gpu cmd))))
+(define* (draw count #:key
+ (start 0)
+ pipeline
+ (pass (current-pass))
+ (viewport (current-viewport))
+ (scissor (current-scissor))
+ (blend-constant black)
+ (stencil-reference 0)
+ index-buffer
+ (vertex-buffers #())
+ (bindings #())
+ instances)
+ (unless (render-pass? pass)
+ (error "no render pass specified"))
+ (unless (eq? count 0)
+ (flush-stream)
+ (draw* start count instances pipeline pass viewport scissor blend-constant
+ stencil-reference index-buffer vertex-buffers bindings)))
+;;; Immediate mode streaming
+;; This streaming interface is inspired by love2d. The way it works
+;; is that the user calls 'stream-draw' and passes along all the
+;; desired pipeline and texture/sampler/buffer binding details. If
+;; the settings match what was used in the previous 'stream-draw' call
+;; then the new data is simply appended to the current vertex/index
+;; accumulation buffers. If the settings do not match, then the
+;; stream is flushed. Flushing a stream issues a draw call for the
+;; batch, clears the accumulation buffers and resets pipeline,
+;; bindings, and counters. Furthermore, if any non-streaming draw
+;; calls are made via 'draw' or if any relevant dynamic state is
+;; changed between 'stream-draw' calls then the stream is also
+;; flushed.
+(define-record-type <stream-state>
+ (make-stream-state count vertices indices bindings bindings-length
+ pipeline-cache vertex-buffer-vec)
+ stream-state?
+ (count stream-state-count set-stream-state-count!)
+ (vertices stream-state-vertices)
+ (indices stream-state-indices)
+ (bindings stream-state-bindings)
+ (bindings-length stream-state-bindings-length set-stream-state-bindings-length!)
+ (pipeline stream-state-pipeline set-stream-state-pipeline!)
+ (pipeline-cache stream-state-pipeline-cache set-stream-state-pipeline-cache!)
+ (pass stream-state-pass set-stream-state-pass!)
+ (projection stream-state-projection set-stream-state-projection!)
+ (viewport stream-state-viewport set-stream-state-viewport!)
+ (scissor stream-state-scissor set-stream-state-scissor!)
+ (vertex-buffer-vec stream-state-vertex-buffer-vec))
+(define-graphics-variable stream-state
+ (let ((limits (gpu:gpu-limits (gpu:current-gpu))))
+ (make-stream-state 0 (make-dbuffer #:name "Stream vertices")
+ (make-dbuffer #:name "Stream indices" #:usage '(index))
+ (make-vector (gpu:gpu-limits-max-vertex-buffers limits))
+ 0 '() (vector #f))))
+(define %default-primitive-mode (make-primitive-mode))
+(define %default-color-target (make-color-target))
+(define (begin-stream)
+ (match (graphics-variable-ref stream-state)
+ ((and state ($ <stream-state> count vertices indices bindings))
+ (dbuffer-map! vertices)
+ (dbuffer-map! indices)
+ (set-stream-state-count! state 0)
+ (set-stream-state-pipeline! state #f)
+ (set-stream-state-pass! state #f)
+ (set-stream-state-projection! state #f)
+ (set-stream-state-viewport! state #f)
+ (set-stream-state-scissor! state #f)
+ (vector-fill! bindings #f))))
+(define (end-stream)
+ (match (graphics-variable-ref stream-state)
+ ((and state ($ <stream-state> count vertices indices bindings _ pipeline _
+ pass projection viewport scissor vertex-vec))
+ (dbuffer-unmap! vertices)
+ (dbuffer-unmap! indices)
+ (vector-set! vertex-vec 0 (dbuffer-buffer vertices))
+ (unless (eq? count 0)
+ (draw* 0 (/ (dbuffer-length indices) 4) #f pipeline pass
+ viewport scissor black #xffffFFFF (dbuffer-buffer indices)
+ vertex-vec bindings)
+ (set-stream-state-count! state 0)))))
+(define (flush-stream)
+ (end-stream)
+ (begin-stream))
+(define* (stream-draw #:key
+ count
+ shader
+ (primitive %default-primitive-mode)
+ (color-target %default-color-target)
+ depth+stencil
+ (vertex-layout #())
+ (binding-layout #())
+ (bindings #()))
+ (match (graphics-variable-ref stream-state)
+ ((and state
+ ($ <stream-state> _ vertices indices bindings* bindings-length
+ pipeline cache pass projection viewport scissor))
+ (define-inlinable (pipeline-equal? pipeline)
+ (match pipeline
+ (($ <render-pipeline> _ _ _ _ shader* primitive* color-target*
+ depth+stencil* vertex-layout* binding-layout*)
+ (and (eq? shader shader*)
+ (equal? primitive primitive*)
+ (equal? color-target color-target*)
+ (equal? depth+stencil depth+stencil*)
+ (equal? vertex-layout vertex-layout*)
+ (equal? binding-layout binding-layout*)))))
+ (let ((pass* (current-pass))
+ (projection* (current-projection))
+ (viewport* (current-viewport))
+ (scissor* (current-scissor)))
+ ;; Check if *all* settings are the same as the previous stream
+ ;; draw call, including various bits of dynamic state. If
+ ;; anything is different, draw the batch, clear it, and start
+ ;; over with the new settings.
+ (unless (and pipeline
+ (pipeline-equal? pipeline)
+ (= (vector-length bindings) bindings-length)
+ (let loop ((i 0))
+ (or (= i (vector-length bindings))
+ (and (eq? (vector-ref bindings i)
+ (vector-ref bindings* i))
+ (loop (+ i 1)))))
+ (eq? pass pass*)
+ (eq? viewport viewport*)
+ (eq? scissor scissor*)
+ (eq? projection projection*))
+ (let ((pipeline
+ (let loop ((pipelines cache))
+ (match pipelines
+ (()
+ (let ((new (make-render-pipeline
+ #:name "Stream render pipeline"
+ #:shader shader
+ #:primitive primitive
+ #:color-target color-target
+ #:depth+stencil depth+stencil
+ #:vertex-layout vertex-layout
+ #:binding-layout binding-layout)))
+ (set-stream-state-pipeline-cache! state (cons new cache))
+ new))
+ ((pipeline . rest)
+ (if (pipeline-equal? pipeline)
+ pipeline
+ (loop rest)))))))
+ (flush-stream)
+ (set-stream-state-pipeline! state pipeline)
+ (set-stream-state-pass! state pass*)
+ (set-stream-state-projection! state projection*)
+ (set-stream-state-viewport! state viewport*)
+ (set-stream-state-scissor! state scissor*)
+ (set-stream-state-bindings-length! state (vector-length bindings))
+ (vector-fill! bindings* #f)
+ (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
+ ((= i (vector-length bindings)))
+ (vector-set! bindings* i (vector-ref bindings i))))))
+ (let ((count* (stream-state-count state)))
+ (set-stream-state-count! state (+ count* count))
+ (values vertices indices count*)))))