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diff --git a/chickadee/graphics/mesh.scm b/chickadee/graphics/mesh.scm
index 44c670e..b0db1b4 100644
--- a/chickadee/graphics/mesh.scm
+++ b/chickadee/graphics/mesh.scm
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
;;; Code:
(define-module (chickadee graphics mesh)
+ #:use-module (chickadee math)
#:use-module (chickadee math matrix)
#:use-module (chickadee math vector)
#:use-module (chickadee graphics blend)
@@ -432,3 +433,207 @@
front0 front3 front2 front0 front2 front1
back0 back3 back2 back0 back2 back1)
+(define* (make-sphere radius material #:key (quality 2))
+ (define phi 1.618033988749895) ; the golden ratio
+ ;; Compute the vector halfway between A and B.
+ (define (halfway a b)
+ (vec3+ a (vec3* (vec3- b a) 0.5)))
+ ;; "Normalization" in this context refers to transforming each
+ ;; vertex such that it is a constant distance (as determined by the
+ ;; radius argument) away from the origin.
+ ;;
+ ;; The result is memoized so that vertex data is shared as much as
+ ;; possible in the final mesh. For example, a sphere of quality 3
+ ;; requires 3840 vertices, but only 642 of them are unique.
+ ;; Memoization reduces the mesh vertex buffer size by ~82%.
+ (define normalize
+ (memoize
+ (lambda (p)
+ (let ((n (vec3-normalize p)))
+ (vertex (vec3* n radius)
+ (vec2 (+ (/ (atan (vec3-x n) (vec3-z n)) tau) 0.5)
+ (+ (/ (asin (vec3-y n)) pi) 0.5))
+ n)))))
+ ;; When mapping UV's to the sphere's vertices, there is some
+ ;; distortion that occurs at the 6 triangles that form a pole. The
+ ;; polar vertex has a U coordinate of 0.5, but the U coordinates of
+ ;; the other vertices that form the triangles are the percentage of
+ ;; how far they have traversed a unit circle. Something like this:
+ ;;
+ ;; 0.588 0.412
+ ;; *-----*
+ ;; / \ C / \
+ ;; / D \ / B \
+ ;; 0.75 *----*-0.5-* 0.25
+ ;; \ E / \ A /
+ ;; \ / F \ /
+ ;; *-----*
+ ;; 0.911 0.089
+ ;;
+ ;; There are 2 problems:
+ ;;
+ ;; 1) With the exception of triangle C, 0.5 is not the halfway point
+ ;; between the other 2 U values, which results in a very obvious
+ ;; visual artifact where the texture looks very compressed in the
+ ;; triangle.
+ ;;
+ ;; 2) Triangle F, in addition to suffering from issue 1, also has
+ ;; the issue that it spans the seam where there's a hard jump from
+ ;; U=1 to U=0, causing another compressed visual artifact.
+ ;;
+ ;; The solution is to duplicate the polar vertex for all triangles
+ ;; and supply unique UV coordinates for each one such that the U
+ ;; value lies halfway between the other 2 U values. Additionally,
+ ;; triangle F needs the vertex with the lowest U value (0.089 in the
+ ;; example) adjusted to extend past 1 (1.089 would be the fixed
+ ;; value in the example.)
+ ;;
+ ;; This UV map adjustment is not without it's own issues, but the
+ ;; result looks far more acceptable.
+ (define (find-minu v)
+ (let ((u (vec2-x (vertex-uv v))))
+ ;; We don't want the center point to ever be considered the min.
+ (if (= u 0.5) 1.0 u)))
+ (define (find-maxu v)
+ (let ((u (vec2-x (vertex-uv v))))
+ ;; We don't want the center point to ever be considered the max.
+ (if (= u 0.5) 0.0 u)))
+ (define (fix-pole a b c)
+ (let* ((minu (min (find-minu a) (find-minu b) (find-minu c)))
+ (maxu (max (find-maxu a) (find-maxu b) (find-maxu c)))
+ (seam? (and (< minu 0.25) (> maxu 0.75))))
+ (define (fix v)
+ (let ((uv (vertex-uv v)))
+ (cond
+ ((and seam? (= (vec2-x uv) 0.5))
+ (vertex (vertex-position v)
+ (vec2 (+ maxu minu)
+ (vec2-y uv))
+ (vertex-normal v)))
+ ((= (vec2-x uv) 0.5)
+ (vertex (vertex-position v)
+ (vec2 (+ minu (/ (- maxu minu) 2.0)) (vec2-y uv))
+ (vertex-normal v)))
+ ((and seam? (= minu (vec2-x uv)))
+ (vertex (vertex-position v)
+ (vec2 (+ maxu (* minu 2.0)) (vec2-y uv))
+ (vertex-normal v)))
+ (else v))))
+ (list (fix a) (fix b) (fix c))))
+ ;; Triangles at the poles have a vertex with a V value of either 0
+ ;; or 1.
+ (define (on-pole? a b c)
+ (let ((av (vec2-y (vertex-uv a)))
+ (bv (vec2-y (vertex-uv b)))
+ (cv (vec2-y (vertex-uv c))))
+ (or (= av 0.0) (= av 1.0) (= bv 0.0) (= bv 1.0) (= cv 0.0) (= cv 1.0))))
+ ;; When mapping UVs to the sphere's vertices, there's a smooth
+ ;; wrapping of U values from 0 to 1 around the sphere, but when it
+ ;; reaches the beginning again there is a hard jump from 1 back to
+ ;; 0. This creates a glaringly obvious, distorted seam when a
+ ;; texture is applied. To fix it, we must identify triangles that
+ ;; are in the back hemisphere (-Z values) with at least one vertex
+ ;; whose U coordinate is 1. These are the faces that span the seam.
+ ;; The UVs of each vertex are then adjusted as necessary to reduce
+ ;; the range of U values to the desired amount.
+ (define (on-seam? a b c)
+ (and (or (negative? (vec3-z (vertex-position a)))
+ (negative? (vec3-z (vertex-position b)))
+ (negative? (vec3-z (vertex-position c))))
+ (or (= (vec2-x (vertex-uv a)) 1.0)
+ (= (vec2-x (vertex-uv b)) 1.0)
+ (= (vec2-x (vertex-uv c)) 1.0))))
+ (define fix-seam-maybe
+ (memoize
+ (lambda (v)
+ (let* ((uv (vertex-uv v))
+ (du (- 1.0 (vec2-x uv))))
+ (if (< du 0.5)
+ (vertex (vertex-position v)
+ (vec2 (- du) (vec2-y uv))
+ (vertex-normal v))
+ v)))))
+ (define (fix-uvs a b c)
+ (cond
+ ((on-seam? a b c)
+ (list (fix-seam-maybe a)
+ (fix-seam-maybe b)
+ (fix-seam-maybe c)))
+ ((on-pole? a b c)
+ (fix-pole a b c))
+ (else
+ (list a b c))))
+ ;; Recursively subdivide a triangle into 4 sub-triangles n times.
+ (define (subdivide tri n)
+ (match tri
+ ((a b c)
+ (if (= n 0)
+ (fix-uvs (normalize a) (normalize b) (normalize c))
+ ;; Subdivide one triangle into 4, like so:
+ ;;
+ ;; B
+ ;; *
+ ;; / \
+ ;; / \
+ ;; E *_____* F
+ ;; / \ / \
+ ;; / \ / \
+ ;; *_____*_____*
+ ;; A G C
+ (let ((e (halfway a b))
+ (f (halfway b c))
+ (g (halfway c a)))
+ (append (subdivide (list a g e) (- n 1))
+ (subdivide (list e f b) (- n 1))
+ (subdivide (list g c f) (- n 1))
+ (subdivide (list e g f) (- n 1))))))))
+ ;; Icosahedrons (picture a 20-sided die) have 12 vertices. The
+ ;; position of these vertices can be defined using 3 mutually
+ ;; centered, mutually orthogonal golden rectangles. See
+ ;; for
+ ;; a visualization of this.
+ ;;
+ ;; Rectangle on the YZ plane
+ (let ((yz0 (vec3 0.0 -1.0 (- phi)))
+ (yz1 (vec3 0.0 1.0 (- phi)))
+ (yz2 (vec3 0.0 1.0 phi))
+ (yz3 (vec3 0.0 -1.0 phi))
+ ;; Rectangle on the XY plane
+ (xy0 (vec3 -1.0 (- phi) 0.0))
+ (xy1 (vec3 1.0 (- phi) 0.0))
+ (xy2 (vec3 1.0 phi 0.0))
+ (xy3 (vec3 -1.0 phi 0.0))
+ ;; Rectangle on the XZ plane
+ (xz0 (vec3 (- phi) 0.0 -1.0))
+ (xz1 (vec3 phi 0.0 -1.0))
+ (xz2 (vec3 phi 0.0 1.0))
+ (xz3 (vec3 (- phi) 0.0 1.0)))
+ (build-mesh "sphere"
+ (append-map (lambda (tri)
+ (subdivide tri quality))
+ ;; 20 triangles form the base icosahedron,
+ ;; which will be subdivided to form a
+ ;; higher resolution mesh that closely
+ ;; approximates a sphere.
+ (list (list xy3 xy2 yz1)
+ (list yz2 xy3 xy2)
+ (list yz2 xy3 xz3)
+ (list xy3 xz3 xz0)
+ (list xz0 xy3 yz1) ; 5
+ (list xy2 yz1 xz1)
+ (list yz0 yz1 xz1)
+ (list yz0 yz1 xz0)
+ (list yz0 xz0 xy0)
+ (list xy0 xz0 xz3) ; 10
+ (list xz3 xy0 yz3)
+ (list yz3 yz2 xz3)
+ (list yz3 yz2 xz2)
+ (list yz2 xz2 xy2)
+ (list xz2 xz1 xy2) ; 15
+ (list xz2 xz1 xy1)
+ (list xz1 xy1 yz0)
+ (list xy0 xy1 yz0)
+ (list xy0 xy1 yz3)
+ (list xy1 yz3 xz2)))
+ material)))