path: root/chickadee/math
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authorDavid Thompson <>2021-10-01 08:16:01 -0400
committerDavid Thompson <>2021-10-01 08:17:24 -0400
commit602569cd13f8f018194f54f39f4645d36d5b3821 (patch)
tree93ed88065f71517fd0268c599969189a9117e75e /chickadee/math
parent63df1926ee9bde67982f1296cf41d3afc0a148eb (diff)
Move data structure modules into new (chickadee data ...) namespace.
Diffstat (limited to 'chickadee/math')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 485 deletions
diff --git a/chickadee/math/grid.scm b/chickadee/math/grid.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b2b6d6..0000000
--- a/chickadee/math/grid.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,408 +0,0 @@
-;;; Chickadee Game Toolkit
-;;; Copyright © 2018 David Thompson <>
-;;; Chickadee is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
-;;; by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
-;;; or (at your option) any later version.
-;;; Chickadee is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;;; General Public License for more details.
-;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;;; along with this program. If not, see
-;;; <>.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; Axis-aligned bounding box collision grid.
-;; Lots of inspiration drawn from
-;;; Code:
-(define-module (chickadee math grid)
- #:use-module (chickadee array-list)
- #:use-module (chickadee math rect)
- #:use-module (chickadee math vector)
- #:use-module (ice-9 match)
- #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors)
- #:use-module (srfi srfi-9)
- #:use-module (srfi srfi-11)
- #:export (slide
- cell?
- cell-count
- make-grid
- grid?
- grid-cell-size
- grid-add
- grid-remove
- grid-move
- grid-clear
- grid-cell-count
- grid-item-count
- grid-rect-ref
- for-each-cell
- grid-cell-fold
- for-each-item
- grid-item-fold))
-;;; Collision resolvers
-(define (slide item item-rect other other-rect goal)
- "Resolve the collision that occurs between ITEM and OTHER when
-moving ITEM-RECT to GOAL by sliding ITEM-RECT the minimum amount
-needed to make the rectangles no longer overlap."
- (let* ((goal-x (vec2-x goal))
- (goal-y (vec2-y goal))
- (x1 (max goal-x (rect-left other-rect)))
- (x2 (min (+ goal-x (rect-width item-rect)) (rect-right other-rect)))
- (y1 (max goal-y (rect-bottom other-rect)))
- (y2 (min (+ goal-y (rect-height item-rect)) (rect-top other-rect)))
- (x-fix (- x2 x1))
- (y-fix (- y2 y1)))
- (if (< x-fix y-fix)
- (if (= goal-x x1)
- (set-vec2-x! goal (+ (vec2-x goal) x-fix))
- (set-vec2-x! goal (- (vec2-x goal) x-fix)))
- (if (= goal-y y1)
- (set-vec2-y! goal (+ (vec2-y goal) y-fix))
- (set-vec2-y! goal (- (vec2-y goal) y-fix))))))
-;;; Cells
-(define-record-type <cell>
- (make-cell items count)
- cell?
- (items cell-items)
- (count cell-count set-cell-count!))
-(define (make-empty-cell)
- (make-cell (make-hash-table) 0))
-(define (cell-add cell item)
- (hashq-set! (cell-items cell) item #t)
- (set-cell-count! cell (+ (cell-count cell) 1)))
-(define (cell-remove cell item)
- (hashq-remove! (cell-items cell) item)
- (set-cell-count! cell (- (cell-count cell) 1)))
-;;; Grid
-(define-record-type <grid>
- (%make-grid cell-size rects rows scratch-rect buffer visited)
- grid?
- (cell-size %grid-cell-size)
- (rects grid-rects)
- (rows grid-rows)
- ;; The below fields are scratch space data structures that are
- ;; allocated once when the grid is created to cut down on
- ;; allocations while modifying the grid and checking for collisions.
- (scratch-rect grid-scratch-rect)
- (buffer grid-buffer)
- (visited grid-visited))
-(define* (make-grid #:optional (cell-size 64.0))
- "Create new grid partitioned by CELL-SIZE."
- (%make-grid (f32vector cell-size)
- (make-hash-table 1000)
- (make-hash-table)
- (make-rect 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0)
- (make-array-list)
- (make-hash-table)))
-(define-inlinable (grid-cell-size grid)
- (f32vector-ref (%grid-cell-size grid) 0))
-(define (item-in-grid? grid item)
- "Return #t if ITEM is in GRID."
- (hashq-ref (grid-rects grid) item))
-(define (grid-row-ref grid y)
- "Return the row at index Y in GRID."
- (let ((rows (grid-rows grid)))
- (or (hashq-ref rows y)
- (let ((new-row (make-hash-table)))
- (hashq-set! rows y new-row)
- new-row))))
-(define (row-column-ref row x)
- "Return the cell at index X in ROW."
- (or (hashq-ref row x)
- (let ((new-cell (make-empty-cell)))
- (hashq-set! row x new-cell)
- new-cell)))
-(define (grid-cell-ref grid x y)
- "Return the cell in GRID at (X, Y)."
- (row-column-ref (grid-row-ref grid y) x))
-(define (grid-rect-ref grid item)
- "Return the rect for ITEM in GRID."
- (hashq-ref (grid-rects grid) item))
-(define (grid-cell-bounds grid rect)
- "Return the range of cells that RECT occupies in GRID. The first
-two return values are the min/max x coordinate, the last two are the
-min/max y coordinate."
- (let ((cell-size (grid-cell-size grid))
- (x (rect-x rect))
- (y (rect-y rect))
- (w (rect-width rect))
- (h (rect-height rect)))
- (define (to-cell n)
- (inexact->exact (floor (/ n cell-size))))
- (values (to-cell x)
- (to-cell (+ x w))
- (to-cell y)
- (to-cell (+ y h)))))
-(define-inlinable (for-each-coord proc minx maxx miny maxy)
-;; "Call PROC with each (X, Y) coordinate pair formed by the inclusive
-;; ranges [MINX, MAXX] and [MINY, MAXY]."
- (let yloop ((y miny))
- (when (<= y maxy)
- (let xloop ((x minx))
- (when (<= x maxx)
- (proc x y)
- (xloop (+ x 1))))
- (yloop (+ y 1)))))
-(define* (for-each-cell proc grid #:optional rect)
- "Call PROC with each cell in GRID that intersects RECT, or every
-cell if RECT is #f."
- (if rect
- (let-values (((minx maxx miny maxy) (grid-cell-bounds grid rect)))
- (for-each-coord (lambda (x y)
- (proc (grid-cell-ref grid x y) x y))
- minx maxx miny maxy))
- (hash-for-each (lambda (y row)
- (hash-for-each (lambda (x cell)
- (proc cell x y))
- row))
- (grid-rows grid))))
-(define (grid-cell-fold proc init grid)
- (hash-fold (lambda (y row memo)
- (hash-fold (lambda (x cell memo)
- (proc cell x y memo))
- memo
- row))
- init
- (grid-rows grid)))
-(define (for-each-item proc grid)
- "Call PROC for each item in GRID."
- (hash-for-each proc (grid-rects grid)))
-(define (grid-item-fold proc init grid)
- (hash-fold proc init (grid-rects grid)))
-(define (grid-add grid item x y width height)
- "Add ITEM to GRID represented by axis-aligned bounding box defined
- (when (item-in-grid? grid item)
- (error "item already in grid" item))
- (let ((rect (make-rect x y width height)))
- (hashq-set! (grid-rects grid) item rect)
- (for-each-cell (lambda (cell x y)
- (cell-add cell item))
- grid rect)))
-(define (grid-remove grid item)
- "Remove ITEM from GRID."
- (let ((rect (grid-rect-ref grid item)))
- (unless rect
- (error "item not in grid" item))
- (hashq-remove! (grid-rects grid) item)
- (for-each-cell (lambda (cell x y)
- (cell-remove cell item))
- grid rect)))
-(define inexact->exact*
- (let ((cache '()))
- (lambda (n)
- (or (assv-ref cache n)
- (let ((result (inexact->exact n)))
- (set! cache (cons (cons n result) cache))
- result)))))
-(define (grid-move grid item goal filter)
- "Attempt to move ITEM in GRID to POSITION (a 2D vector) and check
-for collisions. For each collision, FILTER will be called with two
-arguments: ITEM and the item it collided with. If a collision occurs,
-POSITION may be modified to resolve the colliding objects."
- (let* ((rect (grid-rect-ref grid item))
- (x (rect-x rect))
- (y (rect-y rect))
- (w (rect-width rect))
- (h (rect-height rect))
- (cell-size (grid-cell-size grid))
- (collisions (grid-buffer grid))
- (visited (grid-visited grid)))
- (define (to-cell n)
- (inexact->exact* (floor (/ n cell-size))))
- (define (collision? rect1 rect2 goal)
- (let ((goal-x (vec2-x goal))
- (goal-y (vec2-y goal)))
- (and (< goal-x (rect-right rect2))
- (> (+ goal-x (rect-width rect1)) (rect-left rect2))
- (< goal-y (rect-top rect2))
- (> (+ goal-y (rect-height rect1)) (rect-bottom rect2)))))
- (define (overlap-area rect1 rect2 goal)
- (let ((goal-x (vec2-x goal))
- (goal-y (vec2-y goal)))
- (* (- (min (+ goal-x (rect-width rect1)) (rect-right rect2))
- (max goal-x (rect-left rect2)))
- (- (min (+ goal-y (rect-height rect1)) (rect-top rect2))
- (max goal-y (rect-bottom rect2))))))
- (define (check other other-rect)
- ;; Since items can occupy multiple cells, we must track which
- ;; items have been processed already so that we don't have
- ;; duplicate collision results which will almost certainly
- ;; yield strange behavior.
- (unless (hashq-ref visited other)
- ;; The user-provided filter is expected to return a procedure
- ;; that can resolve a collision between itself and other,
- ;; should one occur. If the items should clip through each
- ;; other without any collision, the filter returns #f and we
- ;; do not waste any time testing for collision.
- (let ((resolve (filter item other)))
- (when (and resolve (collision? rect other-rect goal))
- (array-list-push! collisions
- (list other
- (overlap-area rect other-rect goal)
- resolve))))))
- (define (sort-by-area)
- ;; This is just an insertion sort, which will be slow if there are a
- ;; large number of simultaneous collisions. I think that the number
- ;; of simultaneous collisions is almost always a single digit
- ;; number, so a more efficient sorting algorithm doesn't gain us
- ;; anything.
- (define (compare a b)
- (match a
- ((_ area-a _)
- (match b
- ((_ area-b _)
- (< area-a area-b))))))
- (define (swap i j)
- (let ((tmp (array-list-ref collisions i)))
- (array-list-set! collisions i (array-list-ref collisions j))
- (array-list-set! collisions j tmp)))
- (let ((size (array-list-size collisions)))
- (let outer
- ((i 0))
- (when (< i size)
- (let inner ((j (+ i 1)))
- (when (< j size)
- (when (compare (array-list-ref collisions i)
- (array-list-ref collisions j))
- (swap i j))
- (inner (+ j 1))))
- (outer (+ i 1))))))
- (define (find-collisions)
- ;; The search area is the bounding box formed by union of the
- ;; current rect and the rect formed by moving it to the desired
- ;; position.
- (let* ((goal-x (vec2-x goal))
- (goal-y (vec2-y goal))
- (search-x (min goal-x x))
- (search-y (min goal-y y))
- (search-w (+ w (min (- goal-x x) 0.0)))
- (search-h (+ h (min (- goal-y y) 0.0)))
- (minx (to-cell x))
- (maxx (to-cell (+ x w)))
- (miny (to-cell y))
- (maxy (to-cell (+ y h))))
- ;; Reset our scratch space.
- (array-list-clear! collisions)
- ;; Visit every cell in the search area.
- (let yloop ((cy miny))
- (when (<= cy maxy)
- (let ((row (grid-row-ref grid cy)))
- (let xloop ((cx minx))
- (when (<= cx maxx)
- (let ((cell (row-column-ref row cx)))
- (hash-for-each (lambda (other unused)
- (check other (grid-rect-ref grid other)))
- (cell-items cell)))
- (xloop (+ cx 1)))))
- (yloop (+ cy 1))))
- ;; Sort collisions by overlap area and return the biggest
- ;; collision. There's definitely improvements that can be made in
- ;; the heuristic department here, but it's enough for now.
- (sort-by-area)
- ;; Return the biggest collision.
- (if (array-list-empty? collisions)
- #f
- (array-list-ref collisions 0))))
- (define (collide)
- (match (find-collisions)
- ((other _ resolve)
- (hashq-set! visited other #t)
- (resolve item
- (grid-rect-ref grid item)
- other
- (grid-rect-ref grid other)
- goal)
- ;; Resolving the collision may have caused an another
- ;; collision, so we must perform the collision test again.
- ;; This loop continues until the item is no longer colliding
- ;; with any other item.
- (collide))
- (#f #f)))
- ;; Reset shared scratch space.
- (hash-clear! visited)
- ;; Never check collision against ourselves.
- (hashq-set! visited item #t)
- (collide)
- (let* ((new-x (vec2-x goal))
- (new-y (vec2-y goal))
- (minx1 (to-cell x))
- (miny1 (to-cell y))
- (maxx1 (to-cell (+ x w)))
- (maxy1 (to-cell (+ y h)))
- (minx2 (to-cell new-x))
- (miny2 (to-cell new-y))
- (maxx2 (to-cell (+ new-x w)))
- (maxy2 (to-cell (+ new-y h))))
- (set-rect-x! rect new-x)
- (set-rect-y! rect new-y)
- (for-each-coord (lambda (x y)
- (when (or (< x minx2) (> x maxx2)
- (< y miny2) (> y maxy2))
- (cell-remove (grid-cell-ref grid x y) item)))
- minx1 maxx1 miny1 maxy1)
- (for-each-coord (lambda (x y)
- (when (or (< x minx1) (> x maxx1)
- (< y miny1) (> y maxy1))
- (cell-add (grid-cell-ref grid x y) item)))
- minx2 maxx2 miny2 maxy2))))
-(define (grid-clear grid)
- "Remove all items from GRID."
- (hash-clear! (grid-rects grid))
- (hash-clear! (grid-rows grid)))
-(define (grid-cell-count grid)
- "Return the number of cells in GRID."
- (hash-fold (lambda (y row result)
- (+ result (hash-count (const #t) row)))
- 0
- (grid-rows grid)))
-(define (grid-item-count grid)
- "Return the number of items in GRID."
- (hash-count (const #t) (grid-rects grid)))
diff --git a/chickadee/math/path-finding.scm b/chickadee/math/path-finding.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index d89c2fc..0000000
--- a/chickadee/math/path-finding.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-;;; Copyright © 2017 David Thompson <>
-;;; Chickadee is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
-;;; by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
-;;; or (at your option) any later version.
-;;; Chickadee is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;;; General Public License for more details.
-;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;;; along with this program. If not, see
-;;; <>.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; Generalized A* pathfinding algorithm.
-;;; Code
-(define-module (chickadee math path-finding)
- #:use-module (chickadee heap)
- #:use-module (srfi srfi-9)
- #:export (make-path-finder
- path-finder?
- a*))
-(define-record-type <path-finder>
- (%make-path-finder frontier came-from cost-so-far)
- path-finder?
- (frontier path-finder-frontier)
- (came-from path-finder-came-from)
- (cost-so-far path-finder-cost-so-far))
-(define (make-path-finder)
- "Create a new path finder object."
- (%make-path-finder (make-heap (lambda (a b) (< (cdr a) (cdr b))))
- (make-hash-table)
- (make-hash-table)))
-(define (a* path-finder start goal neighbors cost distance)
- "Return a list of nodes forming a path from START to GOAL using
-PATH-FINDER. NEIGHBORS is a procedure that accepts a node and returns
-a list of nodes that neighbor it. COST is a procedure that accepts
-two neighboring nodes and returns the cost of moving from the first to
-the second as a number. DISTANCE is a procedure that accepts two
-nodes and returns an approximate distance between them."
- (let ((frontier (path-finder-frontier path-finder))
- (came-from (path-finder-came-from path-finder))
- (cost-so-far (path-finder-cost-so-far path-finder)))
- (heap-insert! frontier (cons start 0))
- (hashq-set! came-from start #f)
- (hashq-set! cost-so-far start 0)
- (let loop ()
- (unless (heap-empty? frontier)
- (let ((current (car (heap-min frontier))))
- (heap-remove! frontier)
- (unless (eq? current goal)
- (for-each (lambda (next)
- (let ((new-cost (+ (hashq-ref cost-so-far current)
- (cost current next))))
- (when (or (not (hashq-ref cost-so-far next))
- (< new-cost (hashq-ref cost-so-far next)))
- (hashq-set! cost-so-far next new-cost)
- (let ((priority (+ new-cost (distance goal next))))
- (heap-insert! frontier (cons next priority)))
- (hashq-set! came-from next current))))
- (neighbors current))
- (loop)))))
- ;; Walk backwards to build the path from start to goal as a list.
- (let loop ((node goal)
- (path '()))
- (if (eq? node start)
- (cons start path)
- (loop (hashq-ref came-from node) (cons node path))))))