-*- org -*- #+TITLE The Catbird Game Engine * About Catbird is a game engine written in Guile Scheme that is built on top of the Chickadee game toolkit. It uses an object-oriented, scene tree architecture similar to Godot. Catbird encourages a live coding approach to game development, allowing for almost all aspects of the game, and even the engine itself, to be modified at runtime. * Features ** Scene node tree ** State machine abstraction ** Input bindings ** General purpose 2D game objects (sprites, text, etc.) ** Automatic asset reloading ** In-engine REPL and command console * Key Abstractions ** Nodes Nodes encapsulate the state of an object in the game world. Nodes can be rendered, updated, and run asynchronous scripts. Complex game behavior is created by composing simpler nodes. For example, a text box could be implemented as the composition of a background sprite with a text label over it. Nodes can have up to one parent node and zero or more child nodes, forming a tree structure. ** Modes Modes encapsulate pieces of a game's state machine and serve as the input handling layer. There are 2 types of modes: major and minor. Major modes are considered mutually incompatible with each other and are used to represent different states within a game scene. For example, map traversal in an RPG could be represented by a major mode for moving the player character around the map and another major mode for interacting with objects/talking to NPCs. Minor modes implement smaller, composable pieces of game logic. For example, text field editing controls could be contained within a minor mode and composed with every major mode that has the player type something. All modes have an input map, which translates keyboard/mouse/controller input events to calls to their respective event handlers. ** Scenes Scenes are a special type of node that encapsulate a coarse chunk of a game's state machine. For example, an RPG could be divided into several scenes: world map, inventory, and battle. Modes are attached to scenes to form a playable game. Scenes always have one active major mode and zero or more minor modes. ** Cameras Cameras provide a view into a scene. They have a projection, position, and orientation. A 2D camera uses an orthographic projection. A 3D camera uses a perspective projection. The same scene can be rendered using multiple cameras, if desired, such as in a split-screen multiplayer game. ** Regions Regions represent a sub-section of the game window, creating a viewport to which a game scene can be rendered. Regions can be associated with one scene and one camera. When both a scene and camera are present, the scene is rendered to the region's viewport from the perspective of the camera. In a typical case, one region that covers the entire window is all that's needed. A split-screen multiplayer game, however, could divide the window into two windows and render the same scene using different cameras. ** Assets Assets are containers for non-Scheme data that is loaded from the file system, such as an images or audio files. Assets are lazy loaded when they are first dereferenced or can be manually eager loaded. When in development mode, the files associated with assets are watched for changes and automatically reloaded when they change. * Building If using Guix, life is easy. Run =guix shell= to launch a shell that has all the dependencies needed to build Catbird. If not using Guix, install these dependencies some other way: - Guile >= 3.0 - Chickadee >= 0.9.0 To build: #+BEGIN_SRC sh ./bootstrap ./configure make -j${nproc} #+END_SRC * License Catbird is available under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3 or later.