title: Haunt 0.2.4 released date: 2018-11-29 9:00:00 tags: release summary: Haunt 0.2.4 released --- Haunt version 0.2.4 has been released. This is a quick bug fix release, addressing a bug in enclosure support for Atom feeds. See the [0.2.3 release announcement](/haunt-023-released.html) for more information. ## About Haunt Haunt is a static site generator that uses the Guile Scheme as its configuration language. It aims to be simple, functional, and extensible. Features include: * Easy blog and Atom/RSS feed generation * Markdown post support * Simple development server for viewing edits before publishing * Purely functional build process * User extensibility ## Download Source tarball: [haunt-0.2.4.tar.gz](https://files.dthompson.us/haunt/haunt-0.2.4.tar.gz) GPG signature [haunt-0.2.4.tar.gz.asc](https://files.dthompson.us/haunt/haunt-0.2.4.tar.gz.asc) Happy haunting!