title: Haunt 0.2 released date: 2016-04-24 08:00:00 tags: release summary: Haunt 0.2 released --- I am pleased to announce the release of Haunt version 0.2. This release features new readers for the [Texinfo](http://www.gnu.org/software/texinfo/) and [Skribe](http://www.nongnu.org/skribilo/) markup formats, an Info manual, small improvements to the Atom and blog builders, and bug fixes. New reader modules: * `(haunt reader skribe)` * `(haunt reader texinfo)` Bug fixes: * [builder: atom: Allow atom feeds to correctly set the blog prefix.](https://git.dthompson.us/haunt.git/commit/ed1602dc36444bcf1023926854a2cb01b5199e7e) * [build: Allow building with Guile 2.2.](https://git.dthompson.us/haunt.git/commit/5373877f989689209616109b13fd471b2d093b5f) * [post: Allow dashes in slugs.](https://git.dthompson.us/haunt.git/commit/a37c3cd58525be76705ea930551f3935a232790e) * [serve: Catch exceptions when rebuilding site.](https://git.dthompson.us/haunt.git/commit/0d67128c3da6413546015fa9092a0017f50d46b9) A special thank you to Christine Lemmer-Webber and Mathieu Lirzin for contributing to this release! Source tarball: [haunt-0.2.tar.gz](https://files.dthompson.us/haunt/haunt-0.2.tar.gz) GPG signature: [haunt-0.2.tar.gz.sig](https://files.dthompson.us/haunt/haunt-0.2.tar.gz.sig) Happy haunting!