title: Maine! date: 2013-07-15 22:00 tags: maine, vacation summary: My vacation in Maine --- Every summer, my friends and I go to Maine for a week. We stay in the Rockland area in an old house on a blueberry field. This year we hiked a mountain in Camden, hiked Mt. Katahdin, and went to the Rockland Blues Festival. Here are some pictures taken from my not-so-great cellphone camera: ![View from the house](/images/maine-2013/view-from-house.jpg) The view from the driveway of our house. ![Zeke's Lookout](/images/maine-2013/zekes-lookout.jpg) Sign at Zeke’s Lookout. Somewhere on a mountain near Camden. ![Mt. Katahdin, foot of the Hunt trail](/images/maine-2013/katahdin-camp.jpg) Mt. Katahdin as seen from the foot of the Hunt trail. ![Waterfall on Mt. Katahdin](/images/maine-2013/katahdin-waterfall.jpg) A beautiful waterfall that can be seen about a mile into the hike. ![View from the mountain 1](/images/maine-2013/katahdin-view-1.jpg) ![View from the mountain 2](/images/maine-2013/katahdin-view-2.jpg) Views from the mountain. ![Fog on the mountain](/images/maine-2013/katahdin-fog.jpg) Thick fog past the treeline. ![Rockland Blues Festival](/images/maine-2013/blues-festival.jpg) Closed down street packed with people and bands in Rockland.