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Easing procedures specify the rate of change of a value alpha over time. Easings may be composed to form complex animation.

The following procedures are used to control repitition by clamping alpha to the range [0, 1] in different ways.

Scnheme Procedure: ease-loop alpha

When alpha reaches 1, start over from 0.

Scheme Procedure: ease-reflect alpha

When alpha reaches 1, work backwards to 0. When alpha reaches 0, work forwards to 1.

The following easing functions control the rate of change of an animation:

Scheme Procedure: ease-linear alpha
Scheme Procedure: ease-in-sine alpha
Scheme Procedure: ease-out-sine alpha
Scheme Procedure: ease-in-out-sine alpha
Scheme Procedure: ease-in-quad alpha
Scheme Procedure: ease-out-quad alpha
Scheme Procedure: ease-in-out-quad alpha