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2.1.3 Window Manipulation

Procedure: current-window

Return the currently active game window.

Procedure: window? obj

Return #t if obj is a window object.

Procedure: window-title window

Return the title of window.

Procedure: window-width window

Return the width of window in pixels.

Procedure: window-height window

Return the height of window in pixels.

Procedure: window-x window

Retun the X coordinate of the upper-left corner of window.

Procedure: window-y window

Return the Y coordinate of the upper-left corner of window.

Procedure: hide-window! window

Hide window.

Procedure: show-window! window

Show window.

Procedure: maximize-window! window

Maximize window.

Procedure: minimize-window! window

Minimize window.

Procedure: raise-window! window

Make window visible over all other windows.

Procedure: restore-window! window

Restore the size and position of a minimized or maximized window.

Procedure: set-window-border! window border?

Enable/disable the border around window. If border? is #f, the border is disabled, otherwise it is enabled.

Procedure: set-window-title! window title

Change the title of window to title.

Procedure: set-window-size! window width height

Change the dimensions of window to width x height pixels.

Procedure: set-window-position! window x y

Move the upper-left corner of window to pixel coordinates (x, y).

Procedure: set-window-fullscreen! window fullscreen?

Enable or disable fullscreen mode for window. If fullscreen? is #f, fullscreen mode is disabled, otherwise it is enabled.