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2.3.4 Tile Maps

A tile map is a scene created by composing lots of small sprites, called “tiles”, into a larger image. One program for editing such maps is called Tiled. Chickadee has native support for loading and rendering Tiled maps in the (chickadee render tiled) module.

Procedure: load-tile-map file-name

Load the Tiled formatted map in file-name and return a new tile map object.

Procedure: draw-tile-map tile-map [#:layers] [#:region] [#:origin] [#:position] [#:scale] [#:rotation]

Draw the layers of tile-map. By default, all layers are drawn. To draw a subset of the available layers, pass a list of layer ids using the layers keyword argument.

Refer to draw-sprite (see Sprites) for information about the other arguments.