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2.3.12 Shaders

Shaders are programs that the GPU can evaluate that allow the programmer to completely customized the final output of a GPU draw call. The (chickadee render shader) module provides an API for building custom shaders.

Shaders are written in the OpenGL Shading Language, or GLSL for short. Chickadee aspires to provide a domain specific language for writing shaders in Scheme, but we are not there yet.

Shader programs consist of two components: A vertex shader and a fragment shader. A vertex shader receives vertex data (position coordinates, texture coordinates, normals, etc.) and transforms them as desired, whereas a fragment shader controls the color of each pixel.

Sample vertex shader:

#version 130

in vec2 position;
in vec2 tex;
out vec2 fragTex;
uniform mat4 mvp;

void main(void) {
    fragTex = tex;
    gl_Position = mvp * vec4(position.xy, 0.0, 1.0);

Sample fragment shader:

#version 130

in vec2 fragTex;
uniform sampler2D colorTexture;

void main (void) {
    gl_FragColor = texture2D(colorTexture, fragTex);

This manual will not cover GLSL features and syntax as there is lots of information already available about this topic.

One way to think about rendering with shaders, and the metaphor Chickadee uses, is to think about it as a function call: The shader is a function, and it is applied to some “attributes” (positional arguments), and some “uniforms” (keyword arguments).

(define my-shader (load-shader "vert.glsl" "frag.glsl"))
(define vertices (make-vertex-array …))
(gpu-apply my-shader vertices #:color red)

See Rendering Engine for more details about the gpu-apply procedure.

Shaders are incredibly powerful tools, and there’s more information about them than we could ever fit into this manual, so we highly recommend searching the web for more information and examples. What we can say, though, is how to use our API:

Procedure: strings->shader vertex-source fragment-source

Compile vertex-source, the GLSL code for the vertex shader, and fragment-source, the GLSL code for the fragment shader, into a GPU shader program.

Procedure: load-shader vertex-source-file fragment-source-file

Compile the GLSL source code within vertex-source-file and fragment-source-file into a GPU shader program.

Procedure: make-shader vertex-port fragment-port

Read GLSL source from vertex-port and fragment-port and compile them into a GPU shader program.

Procedure: shader? obj

Return #t if obj is a shader.

Variable: null-shader

Represents the absence shader program.

Procedure: shader-uniform shader name

Return the metadata for the uniform name in shader.

Procedure: shader-uniforms shader

Return a hash table of uniforms for shader.

Procedure: shader-attributes shader

Return a hash table of attributes for shader.

Procedure: uniform? obj

Return #t if obj is a uniform.

Procedure: uniform-name uniform

Return the variable name of uniform.

Procedure: uniform-type uniform

Return the data type of uniform.

Procedure: uniform-value uniform

Return the current value of uniform.

Procedure: uniform-default-value uniform

Return the default value of uniform.

Procedure: attribute? obj

Return #t if obj is an attribute.

Procedure: attribute-name attribute

Return the variable name of attribute.

Procedure: attribute-location attribute

Return the binding location of attribute.

Procedure: attribute-type attribute

Return the data type of attribute.

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