path: root/posts/2015-08-30-ruby-on-guix.skr
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- :title "Ruby on Guix"
- :date (make-date* 2015 08 30)
- :tags '("gnu" "guix" "scheme" "guile" "ruby" "wsu")
- :summary "How to use Guix + some elbow grease to replace RVM and
-Bundler on GNU/Linux"
- (p [I’ve been working with Ruby professionally for over 3 years now
-and I’ve grown frustrated with two of its most popular development
-tools: RVM and Bundler. For those that may not know, RVM is the Ruby
-version manager and it allows unprivileged users to download, compile,
-install, and manage many versions of Ruby instead of being stuck with
-the one that is installed globally by your distro’s package manager.
-Bundler is the tool that allows developers to keep a version
-controlled “Gemfile” that specifies all of the project’s dependencies
-and provides utilities to install and update those gems. These tools
-are crucial because Ruby developers often work with many applications
-that use different versions of Ruby and/or different versions of gems
-such as Rails. Traditional GNU/Linux distributions install packages
-to the global ,(code [/usr]) directory, limiting users to a single
-version of Ruby and associated gems, if they are packaged at all.
-Traditional package management fails to meet the needs of a lot of
-users, so many niche package managers have been developed to
-supplement them.])
- (source-code
- (scheme-source
- ";;; guile-syntax-highlight --- General-purpose syntax highlighter
-;;; Copyright © 2015 David Thompson <>
-;;; Guile-syntax-highlight is free software; you can redistribute it
-;;; and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-;;; Guile-syntax-highlight is distributed in the hope that it will be
-;;; useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
-;;; See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-;;; License along with guile-syntax-highlight. If not, see
-;;; <>.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; Lexing utilities.
-;;; Code:
-(define-module (syntax-highlight lexers)
- #:use-module (ice-9 match)
- #:use-module (ice-9 regex)
- #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
- #:use-module (srfi srfi-9)
- #:use-module (srfi srfi-11)
- #:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
- #:export (make-cursor
- cursor?
- cursor-text
- cursor-position
- cursor-end?
- move-cursor
- move-cursor-by
- lex-fail
- lex-bind
- lex-return
- lex-lift
- lex-map
- lex-filter
- lex-any*
- lex-any
- lex-all*
- lex-all
- lex-consume
- lex-regexp
- lex-string
- lex-char-set
- lex-delimited
- lex-tag))
-(define (string-prefix?* s1 s2 start-s2)
- (string-prefix? s1 s2 0 (string-length s1) start-s2))
-;;; Cursor
-(define-record-type <cursor>
- (make-cursor text position)
- cursor?
- (text cursor-text)
- (position cursor-position))
-(define (cursor-end? cursor)
- \"Return #t if the cursor is at the end of the text.\"
- (>= (cursor-position cursor) (string-length (cursor-text cursor))))
-(define (move-cursor cursor position)
- \"Move CURSOR to the character at POSITION.\"
- (make-cursor (cursor-text cursor) position))
-(define (move-cursor-by cursor offset)
- \"Move CURSOR by OFFSET characters relative to its current
- (move-cursor cursor (+ (cursor-position cursor) offset)))
-;;; Lexers
-(define (lex-fail cursor)
- \"Always fail to lex STR without consuming any of it.\"
- (values #f cursor))
-(define (lex-bind proc lexer)
- \"Return a lexer that applies the result of LEXER to PROC, a
-procedure that returns a lexer, and then applies that new lexer.\"
- (lambda (cursor)
- (let-values (((result remainder) (lexer cursor)))
- (if result
- ((proc result) remainder)
- (lex-fail cursor)))))
-(define (lex-return x)
- \"Return a lexer that always yields X as the lex result.\"
- (lambda (cursor)
- (values x cursor)))
-(define (lex-lift proc)
- \"Return a procedure that wraps the result of PROC in a lexer.\"
- (lambda args
- (lex-return (apply proc args))))
-(define (lex-map proc lexer)
- \"Return a lexer that applies PROC to result of LEXER.\"
- (lex-bind (lex-lift proc) lexer))
-(define (lex-any* lexers)
- \"Return a lexer that succeeds with the result of the first
-successful lexer in LEXERS or fails if all lexers fail.\"
- (define (either a b)
- (lambda (cursor)
- (let-values (((result remainder) (a cursor)))
- (if result
- (values result remainder)
- (b cursor)))))
- (fold-right either lex-fail lexers))
-(define (lex-any . lexers)
- \"Return a lexer that succeeds with the result of the first
-successful lexer in LEXERS or fails if all lexers fail.\"
- (lex-any* lexers))
-(define (lex-all* lexers)
- \"Return a lexer that succeeds with the results of all LEXERS in
-order, or fails if any lexer fails.\"
- (define (both a b)
- (lambda (cursor)
- (let-values (((result-a remainder-a) (a cursor)))
- (if result-a
- (let-values (((result-b remainder-b) (b remainder-a)))
- (if result-b
- (values (cons result-a result-b) remainder-b)
- (lex-fail cursor)))
- (lex-fail cursor)))))
- (fold-right both (lex-return '()) lexers))
-(define (lex-all . lexers)
- \"Return a lexer that succeeds with the results of all LEXERS in
-order, or fails if any lexer fails.\"
- (lex-all* lexers))
-(define (lex-consume lexer)
- \"Return a lexer that always succeeds with a list of as many
-consecutive successful applications of LEXER as possible, consuming
-the entire input text. Sections of text that could not be lexed are
-returned as plain strings.\"
- (define (substring* cursor start)
- (substring (cursor-text cursor) start (cursor-position cursor)))
- (lambda (cursor)
- (let loop ((cursor cursor)
- (memo '())
- (fail-start #f))
- (if (cursor-end? cursor)
- (values (reverse memo) cursor)
- (let-values (((result remainder) (lexer cursor)))
- (cond
- ;; Regular successful result.
- ((and result (not fail-start))
- (loop remainder (cons result memo) #f))
- ;; Successful result after some amount of unmatched
- ;; characters.
- ((and result fail-start)
- (loop remainder
- (cons* result (substring* cursor fail-start) memo)
- #f))
- ;; Consecutive failure.
- (fail-start
- (loop (move-cursor-by cursor 1)
- memo
- fail-start))
- ;; First failure.
- (else
- (loop (move-cursor-by cursor 1)
- memo
- (cursor-position cursor)))))))))
-(define (lex-regexp pattern)
- \"Return a lexer that succeeds with the matched substring when the
-input matches the string PATTERN.\"
- (let ((rx (make-regexp (string-append \"^\" pattern))))
- (lambda (cursor)
- (if (cursor-end? cursor)
- (lex-fail cursor)
- (let ((result (regexp-exec rx (cursor-text cursor)
- (cursor-position cursor))))
- (if result
- (let ((str (match:substring result 0)))
- (values str (move-cursor-by cursor (string-length str))))
- (lex-fail cursor)))))))
-(define (lex-string str)
- \"Return a lexer that succeeds with STR when the input starts with
- (lambda (cursor)
- (if (string-prefix?* str (cursor-text cursor) (cursor-position cursor))
- (values str (move-cursor-by cursor (string-length str)))
- (lex-fail cursor))))
-(define (lex-char-set char-set)
- \"Return a lexer that succeeds with the nonempty input prefix that
-matches CHAR-SET, or fails if the first input character does not
-belong to CHAR-SET.\"
- (define (char-set-substring str start)
- (let ((len (string-length str)))
- (let loop ((index start))
- (cond
- ((>= index len)
- (substring str start len))
- ((char-set-contains? char-set (string-ref str index))
- (loop (1+ index)))
- (else
- (substring str start index))))))
- (lambda (cursor)
- (match (char-set-substring (cursor-text cursor) (cursor-position cursor))
- (\"\" (lex-fail cursor))
- (str (values str (move-cursor-by cursor (string-length str)))))))
-(define* (lex-delimited open #:key (until open) (escape #\\) nested?)
- \"Return a lexer that succeeds with the string delimited by the
-opening string OPEN and the closing string UNTIL. Characters within
-the delimited expression may be escaped with the character ESCAPE. If
-NESTED?, allow for delimited expressions to be arbitrarily nested
- (define (delimit str start)
- (let ((len (string-length str)))
- (let loop ((index start))
- (cond
- ;; Out of bounds.
- ((>= index len)
- len)
- ;; Escape character.
- ((eqv? escape (string-ref str index))
- (loop (+ index 2)))
- ;; Closing delimiter.
- ((string-prefix?* until str index)
- (+ index (string-length until)))
- ;; Nested delimited string.
- ((and nested? (string-prefix?* open str index))
- (loop (delimit str (+ index (string-length open)))))
- (else
- (loop (1+ index)))))))
- (lambda (cursor)
- (let ((str (cursor-text cursor))
- (pos (cursor-position cursor)))
- (if (string-prefix?* open str pos)
- (let ((end (delimit str (+ pos (string-length open)))))
- (values (substring str pos end) (move-cursor cursor end)))
- (lex-fail cursor)))))
-(define (lex-tag tag lexer)
- \"Wrap the results of LEXER in a two-element tuple whose head is
- (lex-map (cut list tag <>) lexer))
- (p [Taking a step back, it becomes apparent that dependency isolation
-is a general problem that isn’t confined to software written in Ruby:
-Node has npm and nvm, Python has pip and virtualenv, and so on. A big
-limitation of all these language-specific package managers is that
-they cannot control what is outside of their language domain. In
-order to use RVM to successfully compile a version of Ruby, you need
-to make sure you have the GCC toolchain, OpenSSL, readline, libffi,
-etc. installed using the system package manager (note: I’ve seen RVM
-try to build prerequisites like OpenSSL before, which I then disabled
-to avoid duplication and security issues and I recommend you do the
-same.) In order to use Bundler to install Nokogiri, you need to make
-sure libxml2 has been installed using the system package manager. If
-you work with more than a single language, the number of different
-package management tools needed to get work done is staggering. For
-web applications, it’s not uncommon to use RVM, Bundler, NPM, Bower,
-and the system package manager simultaneously to get all of the
-necessary programs and libraries. Large web applications are
-notoriously difficult to deploy, and companies hire a bunch of
-operations folk like me to try to wrangle it all.])
- (p [Anyway, let’s forget about Node, Python, etc. and just focus on
-Ruby. Have you or someone you work with encountered hard to debug
-issues and Git merge conflicts due to a problem with
-,(code [Gemfile.lock])? Bundler’s fast and loose versioning in the
-,(code [Gemfile]) (e.g. ,(code [rails >= 4.0])) causes headaches when
-different users update different gems at different times and check the
-resulting auto-generated ,(code [Gemfile.lock]) into the repository.
-Have you ever been frustrated that it’s difficult to deduplicate gems
-that are shared between multiple bundled gem sets? Have you looked at
-the ,(anchor [RVM home page] "") and been frustrated
-that they recommend you to ,(code [curl bash]) to install their
-software? Have you been annoyed by RVM’s strange system of overriding
-shell built-ins in order to work its magic? I’m not sure how you
-feel, dear reader, but my Ruby environments feel like one giant,
-brittle hack, and I’m often enough involved in fixing issues with them
-on my own workstation, that of my colleagues, and on production
- (p [So, if you’re still with me, what do we do about this? How can we
-work to improve upon the status quo? Just use Docker? Docker is
-helpful, and certainly much better than no isolation at all, but it
-hides the flaws of package management inside an opaque disk image and
-restricts the environments in which your application is built to
-function. The general problem of dependency isolation is orthogonal
-to the runtime environment, be it container, virtual machine, or “bare
-metal.” Enter functional package management. What does it mean for a
-package manager to be functional? GNU Guix, the functional package
-manager that I contribute to and recommend, has this to say:])
- (blockquote
- (p [GNU Guix is a functional package management tool for the GNU
-system. Package management consists of all activities that relate
-to building packages from sources, honoring their build-time and
-run-time dependencies, installing packages in user environments,
-upgrading installed packages to new versions or rolling back to a
-previous set, removing unused software packages, etc.])
- (p [The term functional refers to a specific package management
-discipline. In Guix, the package build and installation process
-is seen as a function, in the mathematical sense. That function
-takes inputs, such as build scripts, a compiler, and libraries,
-and returns an installed package.]))
- (p [Guix has a rich set of features, some of which you may find in
-other package managers, but not all of them (unless you use another
-functional package manager such as Nix.) Gem/Bundler can do
-unprivileged gem installation, but it cannot do transactional upgrades
-and rollbacks or install non-Ruby dependencies. Dpkg/yum/pacman can
-install all build-time and runtime dependencies, but it cannot do
-unprivileged package installation to isolated user environments. And
-none of them can precisely describe the ,(em [full]) dependency
-graph (all the way down to the C compiler’s compiler) but ,(em [Guix
- (p [Guix is written in Guile, an implementation of the Scheme
-programming language. The upcoming release of Guix will feature a
-Ruby build system that captures the process of installing gems from
-,(code [.gem]) archives and a RubyGems import utility to make it
-easier to write Guix packages by using the metadata available on
-,(anchor "" ""). Ruby developers
-interested in functional package management are encouraged to try
-packaging their gems (and dependencies) for Guix.])
- (p [Now, how exactly can Guix replace RVM and Bundler? Guix uses an
-abstraction called a “profile” that represents a user-defined set of
-packages that should work together. Think of it as having many
-,(code [/usr]) file system trees that can be used in isolation from the
-others (without invoking virtualization technologies such as virtual
-machines or containers.) To install multiple versions of Ruby and
-various gems, the user need only create a separate profile for them:])
- (source-code
- "$ guix package --profile=project-1 --install ruby-2.2 ruby-rspec-3
-# Hypothetical packages:
-$ guix package --profile=project-2 --install ruby-1.9 ruby-rspec-2")
- (p [A profile is a “symlink forest” that is the union of all the
-packages it includes, and files are deduplicated among all of them.
-To actually use the profile, the relevant environment variables must
-be configured. Guix is aware of such variables, and can tell you what
-to set by running the following:])
- (source-code
- "$ guix package --search-paths --profile=project-1")
- (p [Additionally, you can also create ad-hoc development environments
-with the ,(code [guix environment]) tool. This tool will spawn a
-sub-shell (or another program of your choice) in an environment in
-which a set of specified packages are available. This is my preferred
-method as it automagically sets all of the environment variables for
-me and Guix is free to garbage collect the packages when I close the
- (source-code
- "# Launch a Ruby REPL with ActiveSupport available.
-$ guix environment --ad-hoc ruby ruby-activesupport -E irb")
- (p [In order to make this environment reproducible for others, I
-recommend keeping a ,(code [package.scm]) file in version control that
-describes the complete dependency graph for your project, as well as
-metadata such as the license, version, and description:])
- (source-code
- (scheme-source
- "(use-modules (guix packages)
- (guix licenses)
- (guix build-system ruby)
- (gnu packages)
- (gnu packages version-control)
- (gnu packages ssh)
- (gnu packages ruby))
- (name \"cool-ruby-project\")
- (version \"1.0\")
- (source #f) ; not needed just to create dev environment
- (build-system ruby-build-system)
- ;; These correspond roughly to \"development\" dependencies.
- (native-inputs
- `((\"git\" ,git)
- (\"openssh\" ,openssh)
- (\"ruby-rspec\" ,ruby-rspec)))
- (propagated-inputs
- `((\"ruby-pg\" ,ruby-pg)
- (\"ruby-nokogiri\" ,ruby-nokogiri)
- (\"ruby-i18n\" ,ruby-i18n)
- (\"ruby-rails\" ,ruby-rails)))
- (synopsis \"A cool Ruby project\")
- (description \"This software does some cool stuff, trust me.\")
- (home-page \"\")
- (license expat))"))
- (p [With this package file, it is simple to an instantiate a
-development environment:])
- (pre (code [$ guix environment -l package.scm]))
- (p [I’m not covering it in this post, but properly filling out the
-blank ,(code [source]) field above would allow for building
-development snapshots, including running the test suite, in an
-isolated build container using the ,(code [guix build]) utility. This
-is very useful when composed with a continuous integration system.
-Guix itself uses ,(anchor "Hydra" "") as its
-CI system to perform all package builds.])
- (p [As mentioned earlier, one of the big advantages of writing Guix
-package recipes is that the full dependency graph can be captured,
-including non-Ruby components. The pg gem provides a good example:])
- (source-code
- (scheme-source
-"(define-public ruby-pg
- (package
- (name \"ruby-pg\")
- (version \"0.18.2\")
- (source
- (origin
- (method url-fetch)
- (uri (rubygems-uri \"pg\" version))
- (sha256
- (base32
- \"1axxbf6ij1iqi3i1r3asvjc80b0py5bz0m2wy5kdi5xkrpr82kpf\"))))
- (build-system ruby-build-system)
- (arguments
- '(#:test-target \"spec\"))
- ;; Native inputs are used only at build and test time.
- (native-inputs
- `((\"ruby-rake-compiler\" ,ruby-rake-compiler)
- (\"ruby-hoe\" ,ruby-hoe)
- (\"ruby-rspec\" ,ruby-rspec)))
- ;; Native extension links against PostgreSQL shared library.
- (inputs
- `((\"postgresql\" ,postgresql)))
- (synopsis \"Ruby interface to PostgreSQL\")
- (description \"Pg is the Ruby interface to the PostgreSQL RDBMS. It works
- with PostgreSQL 8.4 and later.\")
- (home-page \"\")
- (license license:ruby)))"))
- (p [Note how the recipe specifies the PostgreSQL dependency. Below
-is the dependency graph for ruby-pg as produced by ,(code [guix
-graph]), excluding the GCC compiler toolchain and other low-level
-tools for brevity. Pretty neat, eh?])
- (image/caption "/images/ruby-pg-graph.png"
- "Abbreviated dependency graph for the pg gem")
- (p [Given that Guix doesn’t yet have many gems packaged (help
-wanted), it can still be advantageous to use it for getting more
-up-to-date packages than many distros provide, but in conjuction with
-Bundler for fetching Ruby gems. This gets RVM out of your hair whilst
-creating a migration path away from Bundler at a later time once the
-required gems have been packaged:])
- (source-code
- "$ cd my-project/
-$ guix environment --ad-hoc ruby bundler libxml2 libxslt # etc.
-# A small bash script can be used to make these gem sets.
-$ mkdir .gems
-$ export GEM_HOME=$PWD/.gems
-$ export PATH=$GEM_HOME/bin:$PATH
-$ bundle install")
- (p [As you’ve seen in the above package snippets, Guix package
-definitions are typically very short and rather easy to write
-yourself. The ,(code [guix import gem]) tool was made to lower ,(code
- [foo bar]) the barrier even more by generating most of the boilerplate
-code. For example:])
- (source-code "$ guix import gem pry")
- (p [Produces this Scheme code:])
- (scheme-source
- [;;; hello there
-(+ 1 2 3)]))
- (source-code
- (scheme-source
- "(package
- (name \"ruby-pry\")
- (version \"0.10.1\")
- (source
- (origin
- (method url-fetch)
- (uri (rubygems-uri \"pry\" version))
- (sha256
- (base32
- \"1j0r5fm0wvdwzbh6d6apnp7c0n150hpm9zxpm5xvcgfqr36jaj8z\"))))
- (build-system ruby-build-system)
- (propagated-inputs
- `((\"ruby-coderay\" ,ruby-coderay)
- (\"ruby-method-source\" ,ruby-method-source)
- (\"ruby-slop\" ,ruby-slop)))
- (synopsis
- \"An IRB alternative and runtime developer console\")
- (description
- \"An IRB alternative and runtime developer console\")
- (home-page \"\")
- (license expat))"))
- (p [One still has to package the propagated inputs if they aren’t
-yet available, add the necessary inputs for building native extensions
-if needed, and fiddle with the native inputs needed to run the test
-suite, but for most pure Ruby gems this gets you close to a working
-package quickly.])
- (p [In conclusion, while support for Ruby in Guix is still in its
-early days, I hope that you have seen the benefits that using a
-general-purpose, functional package manager can bring to your Ruby
-environments (and all other environments, too.) For more information
-about Guix concepts, installation instructions, programming interface,
-and tools, please refer to the
-,(anchor [official manual] "").
-Check out the ,(anchor [help] "")
-page for ways to contact the development team for help or to report
-bugs. If you are interested in getting your hands dirty, please
-,(anchor [contribute] "").
-Besides contributions of code, art, and docs, we also need ,(anchor
-[hardware donations] "") to grow
-our build farm to meet the needs of all our users. Happy hacking!]))