path: root/manuals/haunt/Tutorial.html
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-<span id="Tutorial"></span><div class="header">
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-<span id="Tutorial-1"></span><h2 class="chapter">3 Tutorial</h2>
-<p>The goal of this tutorial is to quickly create a barebones blog with
-Haunt in order to demonstrate the basic workflow and key concepts.
-<p>First, create a directory for the new site:
-<div class="example">
-<pre class="example">mkdir haunt-tutorial
-cd haunt-tutorial
-<p>Next, create the site configuration file <samp>haunt.scm</samp>. This is
-where all of the code for building the website will go.
-<p>Here&rsquo;s what a simple Haunt configuration looks like:
-<div class="example">
-<pre class="example">(use-modules (haunt asset)
- (haunt site)
- (haunt builder blog)
- (haunt builder atom)
- (haunt reader skribe))
-(site #:title &quot;My First Haunt Site&quot;
- #:domain &quot;;
- #:default-metadata
- '((author . &quot;Eva Luator&quot;)
- (email . &quot;;))
- #:readers (list skribe-reader)
- #:builders (list (blog)
- (atom-feed)
- (atom-feeds-by-tag)))
-<p>Haunt represents the full configuration of the website using the
-<code>site</code> procedure. Site objects specify things like the site
-title, the default metadata to use for posts, which markup formats are
-supported, and which builders are used to generate web pages.
-<p>With the above code saved into the <samp>haunt.scm</samp> file, the next
-step is to create a <samp>posts</samp> directory and populate it with
-articles to publish. Put the text below into a file named
-<div class="example">
-<pre class="example">(post
- :title &quot;Hello, World!&quot;
- :date (make-date* 2015 10 15)
- :tags '(&quot;hello&quot;)
- (h1 [Hello, World!])
- (p [This is my very first Skribe document!]))
-<p>This is a
-<a href="">Skribe</a> document. Skribe is one of the built-in languages that Haunt
-knows how to work with. It&rsquo;s basically Scheme, but with support for
-writing literal text without quoting it all by enclosing it in square
-brackets. The code above defines a post named &ldquo;Hello, World!&rdquo; with
-a publishing date of 2015-10-15, whose contents are just a single
-heading and a paragraph.
-<p>To build the site, run <code>haunt build</code> to compile all of the
-HTML pages. To view the results, run <code>haunt serve</code> and visit
-<a href="http://localhost:8080">http://localhost:8080</a> in a web browser. <code>haunt serve</code>
-is a handy utility that serves the contents of the website using
-Guile&rsquo;s built-in HTTP server. Since the blog builder was specified in
-<samp>haunt.scm</samp>, the default index page is a simple listing of all
-posts, which for now is a single post. Clicking on the post title
-will display a page with only that post&rsquo;s contents.
-<p>In addition to the basic blog builder, the <samp>haunt.scm</samp> file
-specifies two additional builders for Atom feeds. The
-<code>atom-feed</code> builder creates a feed of all posts located at
-<a href="http://localhost:8080/feed.xml">http://localhost:8080/feed.xml</a>. The <code>atom-feeds-by-tag</code>
-builder creates one feed for each unique tag specified in the post
-metadata. There&rsquo;s only one tag right now, &ldquo;hello&rdquo;, and its feed is
-located at <a href="http://localhost/feeds/tags/hello.xml">http://localhost/feeds/tags/hello.xml</a>.
-<p>Tweaking a post, rebuilding the site, and viewing the results in a web
-browser is the typical Haunt workflow. However, having to run
-<code>haunt build</code> every after each edit is tedious. To address
-this, run <code>haunt serve --watch</code>. The Haunt web server, in
-addition to serving web pages, will now watch for changes to important
-files and automatically rebuild the site when they are edited. This
-streamlines the workflow into an edit, save, view loop.
-<p>Now that we&rsquo;ve introduced the basic utilities and concepts, continue
-reading this manual to learn more about Haunt&rsquo;s command-line and
-programming interfaces.
-<div class="header">
-Next: <a href="Command_002dline-Interface.html" accesskey="n" rel="next">Command-line Interface</a>, Previous: <a href="Installation.html" accesskey="p" rel="prev">Installation</a>, Up: <a href="index.html" accesskey="u" rel="up">Top</a> &nbsp; [<a href="index.html#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents" rel="contents">Contents</a>][<a href="Concept-Index.html" title="Index" rel="index">Index</a>]</p>