#+TITLE jam todo list * DONE tiled map compilation * DONE pause state * DONE intro state * DONE win state * DONE focus fire * DONE per bullet hitbox * DONE parallax backgrounds * DONE player animation * DONE enemy animation * DONE nested scripts * DONE turret enemy * DONE popcorn enemy * DONE flying enemy 1 * DONE flying enemy 2 * TODO boss * DONE scoring * DONE design map ** phases - open space, just the player for the first screen of tiles - popcorn appear - turrets appear - flyers appear - enter tunnel, turrets + popcorn - waves of flyers sweep in - occasional chunks of tiles in the middle of tunnel to navigate arounde - scroll speed slows down - tunnel makes series of S turns, lots of turrets + some popcorn - scroll speed goes back to normal - tunnel narrows and straightens out, turrets on left/right shoot horizontally - turrets pressure player to move up/down screen to avoid, like ikaruga stage 3 - tunnel widens, flyers + popcorn + turrets - scroll speed increases - tunnel narrows, quick left/right movement required to avoid crashing, popcorn clogs the tunnel - tunnel widens, scrolling slows then stops, turrets on top + waves of flying enemies sweep in - scrolling resumes, player exits tunnel into open space - final attack by larger flyers - empty screen, then WARNING text flashes - scrolling stops, boss appears - boss goes through 2-3 phases of bullet patterns as its health drops * TODO music track * DONE particles * TODO juice!