#+TITLE jam todo list * DONE tiled map compilation * DONE pause state * TODO intro state * DONE win state * DONE focus fire * DONE per bullet hitbox * TODO parallax tile object backgrounds * TODO player animation * DONE enemy animation * TODO turret enemy * TODO popcorn enemy * TODO flying enemy 1 * TODO flying enemy 2 (maybe) * TODO boss * DONE scoring * TODO design map ** phases - open, popcorn enemies - easy, player gets used to controls - wall on one side, turrets + popcorn - focus fire helps take down turrets faster - wide tunnel, flying enemies + popcorn - narrow tunnel, turrets shooting sideways - need to move up/down screen to avoid - open, flying enemies + popcorn - scroll speed increases - narrow tunnel + popcorn - quick left/right movement to avoid crashing - scrolling stops, top mounted turrets + flying enemies - scrolling resumes, popcorn - boss * TODO music track * DONE particles * TODO juice!