path: root/strigoform/scripts.scm
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Diffstat (limited to 'strigoform/scripts.scm')
1 files changed, 147 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/strigoform/scripts.scm b/strigoform/scripts.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..842e71b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/strigoform/scripts.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+(library (strigoform scripts)
+ (export make-scheduler
+ current-scheduler
+ scheduler-tick!
+ scheduler-reset!
+ script?
+ run-script
+ script-cancel!
+ wait
+ forever
+ tween)
+ (import (scheme base)
+ (only (hoot control)
+ make-prompt-tag
+ call-with-prompt
+ abort-to-prompt)
+ (hoot match)
+ (only (hoot syntax) define-syntax-rule define*)
+ (strigoform type))
+ (define (make-scheduler max-tasks)
+ (vector 0 0 max-tasks (make-vector max-tasks)))
+ (define (scheduler-add! scheduler thunk delay)
+ (match scheduler
+ (#(ticks num-tasks max-tasks tasks)
+ (unless (= num-tasks max-tasks)
+ (vector-set! tasks num-tasks (cons (+ ticks delay) thunk))
+ (vector-set! scheduler 1 (+ num-tasks 1))))))
+ (define (scheduler-tick! scheduler)
+ (define (run-thunks thunks)
+ (for-each (lambda (thunk) (thunk)) thunks))
+ (run-thunks
+ (match scheduler
+ (#(ticks num-tasks max-tasks tasks)
+ (let ((t (+ ticks 1)))
+ (let loop ((i 0) (k num-tasks) (to-run '()))
+ (if (< i k)
+ (match (vector-ref tasks i)
+ ((t* . thunk)
+ (if (<= t* t)
+ (let ((k* (- k 1)))
+ (vector-set! tasks i (vector-ref tasks k*))
+ (vector-set! tasks k* #f)
+ (loop i k* (cons thunk to-run)))
+ (loop (+ i 1) k to-run))))
+ (begin
+ (vector-set! scheduler 0 t)
+ (vector-set! scheduler 1 k)
+ to-run))))))))
+ (define (scheduler-reset! scheduler)
+ (match scheduler
+ (#(ticks num-tasks max-tasks tasks)
+ (vector-set! scheduler 0 0)
+ (vector-set! scheduler 1 0)
+ (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
+ ((= i num-tasks))
+ (vector-set! tasks i #f)))))
+ (define *scheduler* (make-scheduler 100))
+ (define current-scheduler
+ (cond-expand
+ (guile-vm #f)
+ (hoot (make-parameter *scheduler*))))
+ (define current-script
+ (cond-expand
+ (guile-vm #f)
+ (hoot (make-parameter #f))))
+ (define %script-tag (make-prompt-tag "script"))
+ (define-type script
+ %make-script
+ script?
+ (scheduler script-scheduler set-script-scheduler!)
+ (state script-state set-script-state!)
+ (cont script-cont set-script-cont!)
+ (children script-children set-script-children!))
+ (define (make-script thunk)
+ (%make-script (current-scheduler) 'pending thunk '()))
+ (define (script-pending? script)
+ (eq? (script-state script) 'pending))
+ (define (script-running? script)
+ (eq? (script-state script) 'running))
+ (define (script-cancelled? script)
+ (eq? (script-state script) 'cancelled))
+ (define (script-cancel! script)
+ (set-script-state! script 'cancelled)
+ (for-each script-cancel! (script-children script)))
+ (define (script-run! script)
+ (define scheduler (script-scheduler script))
+ (define (run thunk)
+ (unless (script-cancelled? script)
+ (call-with-prompt %script-tag
+ (lambda ()
+ (parameterize ((current-script script)
+ (current-scheduler scheduler))
+ (thunk)))
+ handler)))
+ (define (handler k delay)
+ (when delay
+ (scheduler-add! scheduler (lambda () (run k)) delay)))
+ (when (script-pending? script)
+ (let ((parent (current-script)))
+ (when parent
+ (set-script-children! parent (cons script (script-children parent)))))
+ (run
+ (lambda ()
+ (set-script-state! script 'running)
+ ((script-cont script))
+ ;; Nasty hack: For some reason, falling through the prompt
+ ;; thunk messes up the Scheme stack, resulting in an invalid
+ ;; ref.cast somewhere. So, we *never* fall through. Instead,
+ ;; we create a continuation that gets thrown away.
+ (abort-to-prompt %script-tag #f)))))
+ (define (run-script thunk)
+ (let ((script (make-script thunk)))
+ (script-run! script)
+ script))
+ (define (wait delay)
+ (abort-to-prompt %script-tag delay))
+ (define-syntax-rule (forever body ...)
+ (let loop ()
+ body ...
+ (loop)))
+ (define* (tween proc duration start end ease interpolate)
+ (let ((d (inexact duration)))
+ (let loop ((t 0))
+ (if (= t duration)
+ (proc end)
+ (let ((alpha (ease (/ (inexact t) d))))
+ (proc (interpolate start end alpha))
+ (wait 1)
+ (loop (+ t 1))))))))